
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I have a formula that want to draw the diagram of it in grasshopper to show the different forms of it when I change the R & g variables between 0-1.

but I don't know how to draw it.

Views: 553

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Hi David,

Thanks so much for your answer.
It's very good.

Sweet!  But since I'm not familiar with the 'CrossRef' component, I started messing around to try and understand it and came up with this, grafting the 'Range R' output:

The point pattern looks the same but instead of a single flat list of 2601 points (from 'CrossRef'), grafting produces 51 lists of 51 points each...  The difference is dramatic if you interpolate the points by connecting 'IntCrv' to 'Pt' - instead of one long spiral curve (which looks amazing), you get 51 separate curves.

I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, David, just wondering if you care to articulate what is going on with 'CrossRef' and why one would use it instead of grafting?


Hi Joseph - the purpose of the Cross Reference component is explained a bit in this FAQ. It used to be built-in to components in the days before data trees - now it operates as a standalone (with a great deal more flexibility).

Thanks Andrew, that's a great explanation.  I knew I should have looked it up myself.

It has some curious features.  I'm not sure where I would use it or why it was used here instead of 'Graft' but will keep it in mind.






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