
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

define a Domain for shifting and rotating in brick wall

Hi guys, I have two problems and I am really appreciate if anybody would help me . I have a brick wall, working with two systems, first I applied a roof islamic pattern on the wall with image mapper and give the pattern's values in z direction for shifting the bricks, then I have a sun as an attractor for rotating all bricks. I could not give domain or a limit to them ''shifting and rotating'' which all bricks lay on each other and in the end the result be a tectonic wall. And is there any possible way to rotate all bricks with same angles when change the sun position, I did but the angles are gradually changed.  I uploaded whatever I have. 



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Yikes! (+ Yikes + (Yikes))

I did "some "minor" mods to that chaos of yours (almost all components are gone > not my fault officer > blame the law of unintended consequences + bad Karma > replaced with the usual freaky thing that divides the surface AND makes perfectly aligned planes [this is the 1M dollar bonus, he he]). Image Mapper gets the "centoid" points (obvious my dear Watson). BTW: the freaky thing does a lot of other things (you'll see what I mean soon).

Now the 1B question: the mapper outputs color values ... so what to you want to do with these other than the shown "patchwork"? BTW: you said:  give the patterns values in Z ???? (what this means?).

And the 1Z question: Rotate according some attractor (or many) ?? what to rotate? why? these things are stacked each other in a rather pretty dense formation ... thus if you want to "viz" a pattern ... just paint the @$@%$ things (hues of pink are highly recommended).

Anyway ... obviously I can rotate them by any imaginable way ... but it's kinda killing a bazooka with a mosquito.

waiting further "instructions" (life sucks), he he

BTW: what about Plan B? ("perforate" the surface and forget bricks)

thank you Peter, oh again it was my fault to explain my meaning completely. maybe I should have uploaded the 3D model in Rhino too. Actually it should be on linear wall and the sun path is there.

Thank you for your help I will look at them to learn more.


I assumed that it should be under 5 MB I will Uploaded soon.


if you see the file I applied the pattern values to shift the bricks out and did not show the colors of them, I want to know how it could be done by specific domain according to the brick Z axis size. because it is a wall and it needs to be stand.



Er ... I confess that there's some weird stuff here:

1. This is supposedly some active/"adaptive" shading thingy? (mysterious step motors rotate the bricks according the sun position? if yes ... who does the motor service?).

2. If yes ... what have to do bricks (or brick like stuff) with the scope? Why not using classic louvers? (simple, wild, extra wild). And what exactly the image mapper is supposedly doing? (other than making the hues, that is). Or maybe you want to rotate the bricks "according" the hue values from the mapper? Or according some range of values. Or something else mysteriously related with the mapper. And what about the trivial fact that bricks are staggered? (see below).

3. BTW: If memory serves well you have this, don't you? (it puts bricks on any collection of surface Lists with N modes, then it rotates them and finally it replaces all that with rotating Eco-friendly sardines [extra cool + ahead of Times stuff, no kidding]).

4. And now ... the serious stuff: whatever "objects" you use (bricks, louvers, cats, dogs)... if they are a lot (say 5-20K) AND not different each other ... then the only way do it is via code by inserting instance definitions (the brick as a block) instead of orienting the brick as a GH "solid" in a zillion places: Response is INSTANT and file size is nothing.

Peter, Why the wall is curve, I used the linear wall and the curve is sun path and the point on that is sun. I sent a picture of the whole idea. Actually I limited myself for shifting the bricks with the pattern and i want to shift them from 0 to 35 cm (half the z size of bricks) for pixels of image form white to black gradually.

BTW, it seems correct for shifting just the surface is different. could I have the file to look at it.


Of course BUT have in mind that the "brick maker" (kinda, he he) is made for fun (I don't like bricks) and has paranoid options and it is in C# (no components at all). Note: the "brick maker" is NOT the stuff used for the first images that I've posted above (with the Image mapper).

I'll remove the instance definition C# (way to complex to manage if you are not familiar with freaky code matters) - meaning that is considerably slower (but works OK for up to 5K bricks).

Additionally there's no "automated" brick rotation (meaning: you rotate them manually) ... since I never work with bricks (in fact I hate them).

If you still want it, drop a word.

The brick size is 65 cm in Z axis, and i want to shift them in this direction half of this size, to avoid falling the bricks. and the rotation of the sun attractor combined which it should have limit degree.

Well ... it's the right time to provide an accurate sketch (by hand) that FULLY describes the goal INCLUDING some "abstract" description of the rotating mechanism (size of brick doesn't mean anything) - I mean accurate ... unlike the image that you posted that displays sun related stuff (99%) whilst a tiny "dot" (1%) relates with the focus of interest.

BTW: sun is not "an atractor" since rays are // (therefor all these @$@% things rotate with the same angle ???)


I will sketch it and send you soon.


I did a quick sketch and I hope it help to address the idea. I should add that the aim is to design a standard brick linear wall with shifting and rotating system. and I want see the limitations on this kind of wall and make it critical to propose the another brick with different size and shape which will be responsive for both summer and winter season.






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