
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


how do I get TimeDate functions to work in a VB.Net component in Grasshopper?

I have a list with dates coming into the component and I want to find out how many days there are between the smallest date in the list and the end of that year.

I tried "DayOfYear(x)" [where x is a list of dates that grasshopper is reading from Excel] but Grasshopper tells me that DayOfYear is not declared and that it might not be accessible due to its protection level.


[also, I'm never sure how to output a list out of a vb component when I have a input list... - I suppose that is a 101 level question...]


thanks for any pointers,


Views: 322

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Hi Wim,


a DateTime structure is nothing more than an Int64 number that represents the total number of ticks (1 tick = 100 nanoseconds) since midnight, jan 1st, year 0001. You can use a DateTime to find which day of the week, day of the month, day of the year, month of the year etc. it represents.


A TimeSpan structure is also just an Int64 number of ticks, but instead of representing a specific date, it represents a duration. So when you subtract two DateTimes (say, today noon minus last monday 9am) you end up with a TimeSpan structure. You can query TimeSpans to see how many days, hours, minutes, seconds etc. they contain. Have a look at TimeSpan.TotalHours for example.



David Rutten

Seattle, WA

Thanks David!

That gives me something to work from.









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