
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I've been trying to create a hollow cylinder with the "Trim Solid" component. At first, actually for several days, it worked just fine, but when I opened the file this morning, I got an error.So I compared it to an older version which is still working, and  I can't find the problem, the only difference between the two is the size of the cylinder.I've attached a file with one working and one failing cylinder.
Can somebody please tell me if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong?Thanks

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Hi S221B,

Boolean operations are depend on your tolerance settings, which you set in Rhino.

But this actually does not matter here, because as I see it it doesn´t work either way.

The things you are trying to unify should, first of all, just be joint (apart from the steps before). And then you are missing out on the different tree structure ( {0} and {0;0} ).

So this is why it essentially does work - one more time.

A faster and cleaner way to achieve your desired output would be something like this.

Best, p

Hello Phillip,

thanks for your answer, I've tried your solution, but that also only works for the bigger size. For the smaller one I get two discs from the "Boundary Surface" component instead of one ring. Changing the tolerance seettings did't help either, but you already noticed that. Im now using your solution to create a big cylinder, which I then scale down. Still don't get what the problem is, but at least it's working...

Best regards

Maybe I am wrong, but as I am not able to reproduce your error, I think you just need to zoom in.

Try selecting the specific component and push here:

Sadly, no. It actually prouces two surfaces instead of one, so I get two closed cylinders.

Tolerances, as said. Try to adjust your Rhino Units according to your model size or better choose the appropriate template.

I did that before and it dind't help. The model is supossed to be in meters. The cylinder is supposed to be some centimeters long, with 2mm walls.

Okay, I just reconeccted the components, without actually changing anything, and suddenly it works.

I'll try to keep an eye on tolerances in the future. Thanks for your help!

Did you see this discussion here a week ago?

How to build a pipe (not only a surface - a volume) in GH?!


no, I did't, thanks for pointing it out to me. Seems like there are quite a few different ways to do it. and I guess if I chose one without boolean operations, I could avoid the tolerance problem? In this case, I'll stick with Phillip's solution though.

Let´s all build pipes!






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