
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,

I am not sure if this is a question or a request, might be both.

Okay let's imagine we want to model a high-rise building with something like 50+ floors.

We always start simple, so we model a typical floor. We pass the Rhino model to HB, create our zones, add our glazing, shading surfaces, and we run our first simulations.

Next step, we want to model a few different floors, that might represent the building's performance better (e.g. lower floor, middle floor, penthouse). How can we go from the typical floor (which probably took a couple of days to model surface by surface) to multiple floors without re-doing the whole process? It would be great if there was a way to simply copy paste everything and new zones would be created, since they are the same. I understand that this might be a grasshopper limitation, as breps are location specific in Rhino (I think?).

Still a way to quickly set up any number of clones of our typical floor withn HB would save countless hours. Also, if this is already there in some kind of way I apologize, and cool!

Kind regards,


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Thanks Theodore and Abraham. Theodore, are you asking for an stl exporter? I think I don't get the relationship between stl and these components.


I will try it out shortly.  All of the rules regarding adjacency make sense and I was imagining always using this component before solving any adjacencies anyway.  Icons are awesome, BTW.


Hi Chris, Mostapha, Theodore, 

Thanks for the interesting discussion and development. I have been testing the components since yesterday since I wanted to have something like that for some time now and is of great help. I was wondering though which component in the workflow is the one that assigns first the attribute 'transform' to the HB zones, since the components do not work in existing scripts without this attribute assigned to the zones. Thanks again for this is a great addition for extended projects!


It's happening when you initially create the honeybee zone/surface. If you get an error that transform is not available then the HBObject is created with an older version of Honeybee which is missing this method. Recalculate the file with the new version of Honeybee and it should work with no issues.

Hi Mostapha,

Started to check the transformations components and i have to say (again) that i am impresed. Really cool.

Saying that, so far, i've found two potential issues:

1. Naming of zones. I get the following (connecting the red arrow in the attached to the solveAdjc):

1. There are duplicate names in input zones. Zone names cannot be duplicate.
Rename the zones and try again!

I overcome this renaming one of the zones, but i believe that in a large case this can be a major issue.

2. Normal direction pointing inwards on mirrored zones. In the rotated zone i get normals pointing inwards and outwards (weird).

See attached for these issues.



Hi Abraham,

2. I spent an hour or so to get normal direction fixed but couldn't figure it out. For some reason normal direction check doesn't catch the changes. I will keep trying and will report back if I figure it out.


Thanks Mostapha,

Do you think this is a potential trouble maker (i'm afraid it is, but want to be sure).


It will make the results wrong. I think I finally figured why this is happening. The behavior of transform function in RhinoCommon is different from what I was expecting it to do. I need to flip the surfaces after transform if needed. I'll try to get it fix on my train ride back home.

Ok! I think I have it fixed.

Back to naming have you seen get or set Names component? You can get the names and add a new part to the name based on the transformation. Is that make the process easy enough?


Hi Mostapha,

Thank you for your reply. I noticed also that when I am changing my initial geometry, in case I set up HB surface and then create and HB zone out of them usig the "HB_createHBzones" component it gives me back this error: "

1. Solution exception: f8c3915661d0437fa89a_23 has been moved, scaled or rotated.
If you need to move or rotate a Honeybee object you should use Honeybee move, rotate or mirror components. You can find them under 12|WIP tab." 

After that I need to either restart Rhino and the model and insert new HB components  or Recompute the model with the new geometry, which in some cases is not really solving the problem.

Any ideas?


This message keeps appearing in other components as well, like for example when I try to run a DL simulation, the "HB_runDLsimulation" component returns the same error even if I haven't change anything in the initial geometry. 


Hi Tasos, Are you using the latest version of Honeybee? I fixed this issue ( before the new release. Updating Honeybee_honeybee should solve the issue. Please upload an example file if the issue persists.






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