
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to create a dome which is composed of hexagons (in lunchbox) and also another dome composed of either triangles or diamond geometry.

Whatever geometry I choose to use, I encounter a problem when I try to offset to create an aperture in the geometries. The geometry goes crazy at the polar ends as seen in the attached picture (Hexagonal Dome). 

Thanks to anyone who can help in this matter.

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Try scaling the polygons about their centres instead of offset.

If you use offset it will get confused at the poles because the polygons are smaller than the offset distance.

Thanks for the advice.

Another problem I am encountering is that the partial hexagons aren't closed (The bottom part is open). Any ideas on how I could close them?


if you use the Discontinuity component and plug in all the cell outlines you should get all the points of the corners. If you plug this into a polyline component and set the closed input to TRUE then it should close the cells that were left open after the dome was split in half.





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