
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Everybody,

I was wondering if there was a way to let Galapagos decide for every single item of a list wheter it should be culled or not?

I guess, have to come up with a modifiable pattern that memorizes the previous decisions made by galapagos. But I´m very confused how to do that.

I´m very thankfull for any help

best regards


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I'm confused about what exactly you're trying to do. Galapagos may be able to find an ideal culling pattern, or it may not be if the pattern problem space has too little continuity to it.

I do not know what 'modifiable pattern' means.

Thank´s for your reply David,

I´m searching for an ideal culling pattern, that´s it, yes.

Let´s say I have 5 random points in list. Now I want to give Galapagos the opportunity to generate every possible culling pattern for this list. Is there way to do that?

With modifiable pattern I meant, that galapagos can modify the pattern it generated one genaration before.

[...] generate every possible culling pattern for this list. Is there way to do that?

No, galapagos doesn't work that way. It is specifically not a brute-force solver and to generate all possible patterns you need a brute-force approach. However you can probably make the culling patterns through regular Grasshopper components, it's what the Cross Reference component was made for:

Alright thank you :)

so with a small amount of data i can just run throug all patterns.
But no brute-force solving.






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