
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,

I am beginner in programming, that's why trying to look something around this topic didn't provide me with an answer.

I am evaluating a possibility to have a server where grasshopper is installed. There are some modules with inputs and outputs. The server should have an API where these inputs and outputs should be accessible, and based on exact inputs the grasshopper should compute outputs. The server should be compatible to work in parallel with 30-100 users.

Is that possible? how to make it possible?

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That server will also need to run Rhino, and Rhino has licensing issues you may need to keep in mind. Specifically, a regular license may be installed many times, but it may only be operated by a single user. I do not know whether 30 people accessing a running instance counts as 30 users, or one user. You'll need to clear that up with the licensing people at McNeel (

I don't know much about servers and how to pump data across the series of tubes that is the internet, but assigning data to inputs, running solutions and harvesting outputs is definitely possible.

Thank you David for your advise.

The idea behind to have a server with Grasshopper, is to be able join our modules with modules of others (i.e. if our module some kind of iteration module which looking all possible combinations of something and we need to filter this combinations based on outputs from other GH modules (like ladybug, honeybee etc.)). At this stage we don't need Rhino, but need GH.

Once we'll have filtered set of combinations, then we'll send this combinations to Rhino and these combinations could be represented as a geometrical models.

I am leading to a point that it is much more demand to parallel work of GH, than parallel work in Rhino. But could it be detached? 


This guy posted something here a few weeks ago called "GeometryBin" that seems to have great potential for what you want?  But initially, everything was public, which makes it far less useful in some respects...

Thanks to everyone! I consider this topic as closed






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