
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,

I have tree with one branch, with four numbers on it. I want to create a data tree with four branches and the intial numbers arranged as follows on each respective branch: (0,1) (1,0) (2,3) (3,4). How can I do this? Thanks!

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Hello Ol,

I am guessing you mean (3,2) instead of (3,4) since you don't have an item 4 on your list, is that right?

If so you can use [item] and [entwine] to do this:

tip1: zoom in on the item component's output until you see a little (+) sign and click on it to get more outputs.

tip2: Connect the items you want to the entwine component in the desired order, pressing shift while dragging the second wire.


for a more generic solution that will accept larger lists you can do something like this:

Perfect Thanks!!!!

This works great but is there really no way of doing this in graphmapper (or something more elegant)?


PathMapper will never be able to duplicate data, it maps a single input locus to a single output locus. It can insert nulls in between specified loci, but not data.

I guess it depends what you mean by "elegant".

For example here is another way to do this:

Do you consider this to be elegant? (it is just 1 component after all, right?...)

In my opinion this is a very bad solution. It is cryptic and it is not flexible.

You can't really understand what it does unless you right-click on the (i)

input and go to "Set Multiple Integers" to see what is inside.

Also it only works with a list of four items. Of course this might always be the case in your definition (i believe you are actually trying to connect points of a grid, right?).

Anyway, it's up to you really...







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