
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

Iam a beginner with grasshopper and i'm having some problems with the line tool.

I'm trying to recreate this project of Lift architects   - -     by following their instructions. Everything seems fine until Step three : i'm trying to conect the new points with the upper grid points and i'm getting a lot a conections going in every directions. I tried with shorter list but it wasn't better ...

If some of you could help me i'll be really gratefull.

please find attached the grasshopper and rhino 5 files

Views: 1278


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Re-posting - I got confused (twice) because your reference surface is upside down from what is shown at LIFT...?  I finally flipped it in Rhino, aligned it with the origin, and internalized it in the GH file.

  • I used just one grid instead of two, above the surface at "ceiling level", moving (copying) all the grid points down in the Z direction, below the surface.
  • I flattened both inputs to the last 'Line' component.

When you see a nest like that, you need to look at the data feeding the component - the tree structure of both line inputs must match. It's not as simple as "always flatten" either... One needs to examine the tree outputs at every step of the way.



A day of distractions...  I was too hasty in flattening.  The result LOOKS and is the same, but if you ever wanted to really build a thing like this, you will need the length of each line in rows and columns, not as a flat list!


So much can be learned by refining code...

I added back the original X, Y offsets for the grid origin, then found it necessary to filter diagonal lines - the grid points off the edge who's X or Y value is different from its matching intersect point are 'Dispatch'ed  to 'B' (ignored) and only the 'A' list is used for lines between 'RecGrid' and 'SCX'.


Hi !

Thanks a lot for your help, In fact i'm not trying to make the exact same thing than they did i'm using as a starting point  for an experience... that's why the reference surface was upside down (sorry for messing with your head :) ...).






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