
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, hope someone knows how to do this...


I am making basically a tunnel with ellipses of changing radii. I would like to create a flat surface (floors and ramps) inside this tunnel. I thought the best way to do this might be to inscribe a line within each ellispe then create a surface from them.


Also, I wanted the lines to be below the center points of each ellipse, and to always be horizontal even if i decide to twist the elipses.


I have attached the .ghx file and a .3dm file so you can see the general idea. (just plug the points into the pt parameter)






Views: 933


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Hi Rodney,

What about this:

1) Create an XY plane based on the centre points of your ellipses.
2) Move this to the distance below the centre you require.
3) Intersect the Planes with the ellipses.
4) Draw a Line between these intersection points.
5) Loft the lines.

Because you are using an XY plane it will always intersect horizontally.


Thanks, That is exactly what i was trying to do. Would you be able to attach the ghx file? some things you have done, im not sure how to do.


Not sure what im doing wrong...

The file will do you no good, as it's written in v0.8. The List item component is by default 0 in the integer input (v0.8), so simply add a panel like the 1 below but instead have 0. The Arrow that is pointing down on the S input of the loft component symbolizes that it has been flattened. Either use the right click context menu and select flatten or use the flatten component.

Sorry I didn't point these out as I forget about the changes these days.

thanks so much Danny.. worked perfectly.






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