
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Connecting row of points consecutively into lines


First of all, I would like to apologize for my very messy and not-optimized-at-all gh file. I am a complete beginner, as you are about to see :D. I am trying to make a miura ori pattern, and I would have to connect the points as shown on the picture (in order to be able to control these points, therefor the lines too, afterwards). I am attaching the picture and the .gh. I apologize if the question is unclear or not enough information provided - just let me know! I appreciate every comment!


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@joseph oster The code just looks complex, but it is not at all, I am a complete noob :)

@Nikos tzar

Thank you for one more very elegant solution! this is really helpful for me, for this code, but also for general (beginning) of understanding and aprreciating grasshopper. The amount of imaginative logic possible amazes me!  

I would have just one more question if its possible. How would it be possible to now make surfaces of the curves on the picture? Basically the whole point of the code was to make a foldable pattern. Now i have my pattern in lines but i cant make a surface out of it (with any of the avaliable functions). It also does not function when baked in rhino. 


Oh, I see it now, thanks very much for your explanation and code.  Your description of the problem helped quite a bit.  It still took me awhile to understand your code samples, disabling and enabling preview of various components, etc.

The key to connecting the control points is the "Flip matrix" component, as suggested by Joe Allberry.  No particular reason for 'CullN', I guess, as it can be skipped to get the lines in between...  (just talking to myself here).

Your first example made perfect sense right away.

Your second example threw me for awhile; it moves all the lines, applying two different length vectors to alternate lines (if one of the vectors is zero length, the result is the same as the first example).  'L' on the 'Repeat Data' component is "Length of final pattern", not the number of times to repeat the data - makes sense but not what I first expected.

Thanks again very much - good stuff.

Very nice, Nikos! I was the same; just looking at the last bit of the problem rather than the whole question - these are much cleaner solutions!

It seems we've run out of reply "branches" so I'm starting a new tree..

@Setizlica: To create surfaces you can use the sweep component [Swp1]. On the Sections input you can plug the horizontal polylines and for the rail input you just need 1 of the vertical polylines so you can just get the start points of the curves (after [weave]) and interpolate a polyline through them:

Now you might notice that the result of [Swp1] is not a surface but a brep. This is more like a "group" of surfaces (in rhino this would be a polysurface). This could potentially cause some problems later on your definition (if for example you want to panel it as one object) but let's not get there now, just keep that in mind...

@Joseph: Yes, [Repeat Data] asks for the total list length. For the number of times to repeat the data you can use the [Duplicate Data] component.

Thanks a million for such a fast answer and a great solution! thanks thanks thanks!!!






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