
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I need to create faces on this triangulated structure. To obtain de face boundaries from a mesh is simple, but is there a way to go backwards? I have tried directly with the edgesrf on rhino and it works one by one, but I need a fast solution for this structure.

Note: Each curve is open. I have tried with the delaunay mesh using end points, but as it works using a plane (XY), it will respect these "edges" just on the near planar surface, on top of the structure.

Thanks in advance

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Depending of if you need a method for just 1 case or ripetitive situation, you could follow this method:

-extract end points of all curve segments > flatten data > remove duplicates pts

-create an approximative surface that "follow" your points

-flatten the surface and remap your points to the planar/unrolled surface

-do dealunary here

-use mesh topology with old points

(post your def with internalized data :P )

I work from the curves given that have been generated with other programs and I am not given the definition. I'm new with these things, what do you mean by creating an approximate surface that "follows" the points? I'll upload the rhino file for you to have a look.

Thank you


This solution here doesn't "use" your curves, but only the points.

This is not a proper way to solve this problem.

It only work because your shape doesn't have undercuts (from above all points are "visible").

The correct way should do use the curves to create triangles.

I'm just "feeding" adjusted points to delaunary function and it happens to give out the same structure as your curves, but it could easly be different in other cases.

Hope you understand.

Added comment inside the definition...

Good luck! :D



In the end I discovered what I was looking for. The command is part of the Weaverbird and it's called  Weaverbird's Mesh for Lines (Weave back). Pretty simple, although I lost a lot of time looking for it I also found it as part of the BullAnt and in Evolute Pro functions directly in Rhino.







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