
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have created the following structure (with tremendous help from Peter Fotiadis). I'd like to prepare the file for laser cutting. I have tried to create a script that will take the sections and lay them out on the xy plane with no luck. I only need the front face of each piece laid out, not the individual components of the pieces (sides, tops, backs etc.). 

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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RAR files don't work on ning, please upload ZIP files instead.

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I've made some progress, but when I layout the shapes onto a grid they still have a rotation. They are not applying flat to the XY planes. Any ideas on how to remediate this? Thanks!!


Just a moment: all what you need/want is to layout these @%$@ rings (in some kind of rectangular "grid" layout) in XY Plane?

If so, this is rather very easy.

more in a while

thanks! In a perfect world, I would like to separate each @%$@ rings into 4 pieces (see photo). As they will be constructed from nominal wood pieces.

That's very easy ... but right now I'm after the mother of all GH threads: how to graft one single point with 12,34 C# scripts ( this IS nuclear science, no kidding).

Until the perfect word (the trad V2 update - what else?) get this attached.


Perfect world tech preview:

This simple thingy:

gets these @%$# rings and makes 4 @#$$ sticks out of each @$#@ ring: and since we have 200 on hand > 800 closed breps. Nuclear science or what?

the rest are Elementary (my dear Watson).


1. Hope that you want mind to switch entirely to C# to do this (it's far easier for me: GH components are ... quite mysterious, he he).

2. We don't actually need to layout the $#%$ pieces as (closed) breps since the @#$ rings they have all the same thickness > thus the laser should operate VS a given thickness plywood sheet > blah blah.

3. On the other hand assembling (glue?) the #$%# pieces without any ... "inserts" ... it could be a "bit" wrong engineering (rather impossible if you ask me: Armageddon on sight) - but this is only possible via 3D Printing NOT laser cut.

4. See the demo: layout_brepFace_V1 (kinda a tech preview) of how the whole future thingy would/could work (play with the index).

5. Have some fun with the other def attached as well that decomposes (in a layout) any given brep consisting from planar brepFaces.

more soon.



With regard to hand assembling, this is already a constructed pavilion and uses nominal wood. So when I was stating that I would like to have the individual pieces laid out it wasn't for laser cutting or anything. Essentially to be able to lay out a blue print indicating the lengths and angles the pieces would need to be cut at by the construction workers. 

I'll play around with these GH files. Thanks again!

Just discovered that GH can't memorize (surprised?) the internalized test breps for the layout_brepFace_V1 def.

Load this first.


And here's the V2







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