
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to create a skyscraper. I created a form, which is kind of irregular.

Now I want to put floors in the tower.

I created a surface which is bigger than the shape of the building. 

I made a series of this surface so I can create several stories. (this works)

What I want to do is the following:

Split the surface so that the surface/floor never protrude the form of the tower.

I tried doing it with the splitting component or the intersection component, but it is not working.

To simplify, I want the floors to fit into the shape of the building.

Maybe this is really simple, but I cannot manage to do it :(

Hope someone is able to help me!

I attached my files!

Thanks a lot!


Views: 469


Replies to This Discussion

You used surface split component.

That component is used to split a surface in fragments by using curves.

You linked a brep to the curve slot, it wont work.

You need to do an intersection.

Brep|Brep would have been good (your surfaces are "also" breps)

Ore even better (lighter process) Brep|Plane intersection.

(In the definition I've used your surfaces as a plane frame, as GH can easily convert it. But a surface is not a plane and vice-versa, in GH)

Also note/study the contour component. It's interesting and useful. (It works also with curves)


Thanks for your quick answer and help!

Your information is really helpful.

The definition is working now, thanks again!






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