
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hellos everyone! 

I could not find many discussions in regards to what I am looking for. I am pretty new to grasshopper and am trying to create variable sized openings on my geometry. I've so far been able to create a diagrid and locate the middle point, but I would like some assistance in regards to how I can create the openings. When placing a sphere in the surface midpoints, it seems to be just one size and not the desired variable I want. Can I please get some assistance with this?


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This was obtained using weaver bird plug in ...

If u r looking for Transiting openings... i guess u r looking for "Attractor based scaling "

this Blog will help u

Hi Shridhar!

Thank you so much for taking the time out to reply! I appreciate the link, it seems to be very close to what I am trying to do. As for the weaverbird plugin, I have it downloaded from before but do not know how to use it. Are those openings capable of being variable or is it only one size? Is it also possible that I can see the fullnames for the weaverbird script? I am trying to acclimate myself to the icons. 

After MEsh brep component  in order : 1) Weaverbird join meshes and weld(wbjoin

                                                     2) Weaverbird Picture frame

                                                      3)Weaverbird Catmull-clark 

U can go to the Display Tab in grasshopper and change setting  to see Icons and names of components .... 

Is the Catcull supposed to be connected to something else? I do not see the openings happening?


catmull-clark subdivides the mesh making it look smooth.. 

Oh ok. But how come the openings don't happen? I am trying the link you sent. It seems really helpful so far :)






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