
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,

I have a simple question (probably), but for me is crucial.

I have a box and I'd like this box have an array with rotation.

For example:

rotation in 12. 360°/12= 30°. I want this box is copied 12 times in X (always with the same gap) and for each time has a rotation of 30°. Then, I'd like these 12 items are copied n times in Y, shifting 1 module per time. At the end, the last 12 items have to be copied again n times in Y, shifting 1 module per time, but in the opposite way (like a Z).

See attached an example. 

Thank you for your help!


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I'm working on a similar problem, wondering if you ever found a solution?

Similar how?

You're going to have to generate all the transformations for something as complicated as this. You'll need custom translations and rotations for each instance in the array. So how exactly are they defined?

Clearly I over-simplified my question and I apologize.

I have a single object, that I would like to copy, then rotate around a central axis n degrees. This being seen a single iteration of a process, I would like to be able to repeat the process from the last completed object. Similar to a rotational array function in 3DS Max (apologies that's my best reference).

In my attached image, I am trying to use the table leg A as source object, rotating it (2*Pi/n) degrees around a central axis created to mimic the world coordinate Z axis. I am trying to find a way to produce N amount of legs, equally spaced and oriented towards the center of the table.

I'm new to GH, and appreciate that my entire approach my need to be re-thought.


Here's a way to make one zig.


That's exactly the kind of framework I was looking for. I was really getting stuck trying to figure out the concepts of what I was trying to do.

Thanks for the help, and the lightening-fast quickness.






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