
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there everyone,

I have a question about the network surface tool in Grasshopper.  I have created a very simple definition which creates a network surface from a set of curves in the U and V direction.  The idea being that I can tweak the curves and see an immediate change in the surface.

The problem is that it seems to take about 45 seconds for it to compute the surface after every change to the curves, whereas running the same networksrf command in Rhino results in a surface pretty much instantly.  This means that it negates the immediate feedback I was hoping for.

When I bake the resulting surface from Grasshopper to the scene I can see that it is made up of an incredibly dense UV grid, much much more dense than a surface from running the networksrf command in Rhino from the same curves, which is no doubt why it is taking so long to compute.  I have tried to find some options to change the density of the UV grid in Grasshopper but to no avail.  

The curves themselves are fairly lightweight and don't have many control points.

Has anyone encountered the same problem or know a way to control the resulting UV grid density when using network surface in Grasshopper?


Jesse Matthews

Views: 999

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Hey there, 

I'm experiencing the same exact issue. I've noticed there is a panel of options in Rhino when performing a network surface which allows you to define the resolution of the UV grid. Baking from Grasshopper gives it an unmanageably high definition...

If you've found a solution to it, please let me know! Otherwise it could be useful to perhaps implement a network surface options component, somewhat like the loft options component (which is very handy).



Hi Vsevolod,

No I haven't found a solution to this unfortunately, so I've gone back to using the Rhino networksrf command.

As you say, a network surface options component in grasshopper would be very useful in this case!  Maybe we should mention it to the powers that be.


Post your def (+ internalized data or some Rhino file)





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