
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello All,

I am writing a script, and within it I am scaling an element as a function of the distance between itself and others. Basically If I plug in data manually, (copy it from the data stream by hand into an unconnected panel) the scaling works fine (obviously it is not dynamic, I have to recopy it if I change parameters).

But if I plug in the data directly from the data stream I get a recursive data error. Is there anyway to "copy" data from the data stream, and then plug it back into the script to avoid getting a recursive data error?

I know Loopsnake can do this, but I only need it to "recopy" the data when I change parameters, not constantly update the copied data.


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Okay Here is my definition.

It is pretty convoluted at this point, but I put the relevant information all the way to the left.

I have a HoopSnake Component which I manually step when I change the "Density Panel," this works fine. But when I plug the hoopsnake info into the scaling system, it fails. YET, if I manually copy the hoopsnake info into a separate panel and plug it in, everything works fine.

What is going on? I though hoopsnake was supposed to prevent this issue? Sure I could manually plug it in, but I would rather have both scaling panels lead to the hoopsnake component, so I can "step," or update the system automatically.

Any ideas?? I am stuck. Thanks!!

P.S. The Hoopsnake component says it has an error, but it appears to be working perfectly?


Hi Ol,

I've tried to look at your definition, but, IT'S HUGE!

I've no idea HOW it works and WHAT it does, but I really suggest to restart it from zero.

I tried to move some slider around, and nothing happens!

It's too big and slow.

I've found your hoopsnake component, but I didn't understand where to take the additional input to recreate the recursive error.

Just... explain what you are trying to do and we could rebuild from start.

Grasshopper is made to make thing easier, simpler.

A definition like this, sorry if i say it, won't be useful in future.

Help us help you.

EDIT: you are very likely to decrease the number of components by a order of magnitude if you remeka it.... let's do it.

Thanks for your reply,

I am new to grasshopper, but about 70-80% of the definition is line geometry, and because the geometry has to be in a very specific arrangement, i'm not sure it can be made to be much smaller (although it obviously could be to a point.) edit: (can it? How do you simplify Line Geometry?)

I am going to remake it, but first I want to have it work properly, and then last real problem I am having is I think the problem you have, which I outlined above.






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