
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Is there a way to stretch a spherical dome to give it a amorphous form, as shown in the figure below ?

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Hi Frede,

you can stretch or non-uniformly scale a shape, but it looks like you're trying to introduce creases or kinks where none exist yet. That is a much harder operation for two reasons:

  • Nurbs surfaces in Rhino do not like to have creases in the middle. It's mathematically possible, but almost always a bad idea. Instead you should create a polysurface with a creased edge.
  • The transformation from smooth to kinked does not have a continuous first derivative. All transformations and almost all morphs in Rhino have a continuous first derivative.

Perhaps it makes more sense to create the target shape from scratch rather than to deform an already existing shape?

Oh, the drawing is a bit misleading.. 

I want the form without kinks/creates. I found the component "scale NU", is that the one you meant ? or is there another?

that's the one. you can use different values for scale in x, y and z.






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