
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Folks, 

I am trying to solve the intersection for two surfaces, when looking in the viewport - the surfaces appear to intersect. (see jpg) 

However the output of the brep | brep component are four curves at the bottom of the surfaces and not the curved intersection I was hoping for 

Anyone any suggestions?

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Your 2 surfaces have a "common"/coincident part where there would be infinite curve intersection.

That causes problems for all the intersection events (maybe.. ? ).

Non-uniform scaling can/would enhance the difference between your surfaces, giving a simpler work to solve to gh/rhino logic.

If you globally scale all your geometries in Z axis for a factor of 10 (I did this in rhino) then the intersection brep-brep component will "work" giving you ALSO the intersection curve you want.

Then after you can simply rescale everything back with Z factor 0.1.

You will still have a lot of "artifact" of unwanted intersections because the 2 surfaces have parts coincident; this is also the cause of the slow solving.

You should trim away the coincident parts before intersecting, and you will maybe even don't need to scale>unscale...

Hi Richard,

Many thanks, I did get it to work by copying and pasting a temp copy of the surface then removing the end pieces. I did do it on a hunch rather than any sound logic though, but it has given me the correct intersection.

Your idea of scaling in z is an interesting and good idea though, that never crossed my mind






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