
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, I have a collection of points in rhino that I want to interpCrv on, with out having to select them one by one.

I created a simple definition as you can see, and set the point to "multiple points", but I get this result:

Some points are "out of order". Is there any way to reorder them with out having to select them one by one by hand? I have to do A LOT of this curves, I'm beginning to worry :)

thanks a lot!

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I clearly have a problem with how the points where generated:

They are all done now, and generating them in order would be a real problem... Anyone have any clever ideas?


Post your data (always do that when asking for some help).

The Brain behind GH (David Rutten) had recently posted a rather genius solution on "similar" matters using code and iterative proximity.

Here's David's solution (I've just converted VBA>C : not a big deal by any means).

Spot the chaos and the order (the polyline/pipe).


That works like a charm peter, thank you very much.

I also was able to fix it by drawing a quick curve around the points, and using the "Sort Along curve" component. But your version is much better.

next time I'll remember to attach my file!

NO NO and NO :

it's NOT my version: it's David Rutten's stuff. I just did the stupid thing (VB>C).

That said I also had some "similar" things (iterative closest pair approach etc etc) but they pale (CPU time) VS Master's solution.

BTW speaking about code efficiency: here's the most embarrassing thing: I need 10 units of time to find the closest pair (with the fastest of the 3 methods sampled).

Fine ... but David needs 1/10th of that in order to "scan" all the points.

Kinda like doing some racing VS Valentino (the N46 not the movie star).







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