
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I want GH to generate a series of rectangles where dimensions are based on excel file (there are two columns: width and height).
They need to be spaced in between - no to overlap one another.

Can You suggest me which components/plugin should I start with?


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TT Toolbox plugin has a read from Excel component

Thank You, I will check that.

any idea which geometry component or components can transform it into rectangles?

yeah in Curves there is a Rectangle component and the inputs are base plane, dimension in X, dimension in Y and radius of corners.

Manipulate the Excel component output for the X and Y inputs.

Find biggest value in X and Y and create a grid of points based on these max values.

Create a plane at each grid point and use these planes as the input for the rectangle plane and with a bit of experiementing it should put a rectangle on each grid point.

I'd try it but I don't have Excel

You could save your Excel file as a .CSV file and then follow this...







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