
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Im writing a solution for fabrication purposes, it all work great, but im trying to determine total volume of the solid, curve lengths etc, in order to estimate costs right from grasshopper.
Im using the volume and curve length modules and they give me the values of each separate object.
All i have to do is add them all
so, im trying to add all the values in the lists
but im having a hard time finding a way
that does not involve some kind of script

is there a way??

best regards


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maybe u can try out merge(list1 then list 2) component or weave(list 1 and list 2 interlaced with a pattern)
im new myself so maybe its not the right answer - try out
doesn't mass addition work?
i think so - it does the same as merge - hit shift than drag
Yeah, It seems like the [mass addition] module will do what you want. I just got finished using it for something similar! I actually put a [merge] module before the mass addition just to tidy things up...
Yes, the mass addition works, i didn't know that module
thanks a lot its all working great now.

thanks again







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