
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

I need to animate these hearts appearing along a spiral, and have been playing around with it for a while, but as there are so many ways to skin a cat,  I am not sure which one would work best and have been weary of just investing too much in one that will end up not working, what would you suggest? how how would you tackle this?

Here is an image:

The best I have come up with is using grasshopper curve array. BUt am not sure how to best animate this, should I used hoopsnake? Nudibranch? Heteroptera? Centipede? THey need to appear one after another. I was thinking using hoopsnake to create a sequence, but am now thinking centipede might be better.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


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Which kind of animation?
Something like this?

(click pic for animation)

Probably and obviously there are many ways to animate things in grasshopper.

This one just doesn't need any plug-ins...


Great! I love this solution, thank you so much.

ANy idea how to make it multiply at every interval? maybe if it bakes at an interval?

Multiply at every interval you say...


(It slows down quickly, as you can see)

But I can't see the propose of this...

If you just want a sequence of frames, subdivide curve and use every point to orient the objects you want, getting all the frames at the same time....

Or you meant something different?

To baking automatically you'll probably need something different, scripts or plugins....

Thats exactly it, I want them to appear one after another along the curve, I guess your saying this isnt the most efficient way of doing this? THe baking was just becuase I thought maybe that was the easiest way for the heart to travel and leave behind a duplicate in every position. Does that make sense? Baed on what you just showed me I was able to do it for my model as well, but I can clearly see what you mean with the slowing down...

I am going to try to do the subdividing of the curve, and use every point to orient the objects.....I hope I can figure it out!!!

OK I am having trouble figuring out where to plugin the points from the divided line so that they appear as the heart moves along the curve. I succesfully devided in the curve in 30 points. I tried plugging it in where the Plane component is, but crashed my grasshopper

I've used divide length component, but divide by number of segments will work the same way...

I don't know why it crashed for you, but with divide by length it's really important to not set a value of 0 to "L" because it'll be like a division by zero, infinite segments...

(Just before linking the slider, give a minimum value above 0, like 0.1)


Great ok. so how do I animate so that they appear subsequentially? How do I link this to the animation? I tried pluggin this in to the animation and it crashed on me! 






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