
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on an urban project. 

The idea is simple: Automatically extrude the building according to the ratio of [(plot-area)/(building area)]. These will generate the maximum volume a building can have in all the city.

I have 2 groups of curves: One for the plot limit, the other for the building limit. 

I want to find which plot contains which house(s). 

One plot can contain from 0 to "X" houses. 

So, we will have a tree with a branch for each plot-limit. Each branch of plot will have a sub-branch for each building it contains (if>0). 

Here is the problem: Impossible to create these tree for the moment. 

I've try many way to solve the problem:

points in curves, region intersections, ... It's really for making the tree i describe that i'm stuck with. 

Thank a lot for your help, ideas. I hope we can can figure out a solution :) 

PS: I've already check other topic on this subject, helpless or not really useful for my problem. 

Views: 543

Replies to This Discussion

I know it isn't much help but I'd write a c# script. First feed in the list of buildings into the c# module. test to see if the building is inside the nearest parcel. If it is, store that parcel as a variable. Obtain that parcels area and store it as a variable. Grow up according to the required height using the parcel's area and the building's area. I know it is all high level. After dinner maybe I will post some code to help you out.

Thanks for your help. It's quit complicated indeed ! I'm not a beginner but Trees and branch always scares me out. 
Your C# script can be usefull. Understand that i rather had a simple grasshooper file than a complex one for sharing it after to all. I'm not familiar with C#, but I'll be happy to look at your script :) 






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