
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi having a problem trying to offset a series of lofted surface even after converting them to a single polysurface.i used panelling tools to create the individual grid borders and lofted them to the original grid.. please see attached pic..

and also, i noticed that surface offset do not include the edges of the surface creating a solid object so i guess i have to extract the edges and loft them to the offset surface but i dont know how its done..thanks in advance!

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That's very easy ... but (Forum rule n666): No def attached == no service, he he

oh sorry, here's the definition


OK, another typical data mismatch case. But ... lets make things simple (although this case begs for some nice C# code: all in one "component", he he).

1. Get LunchBox.

2. Open this thing attached (I've not engaged the other LunchBox "options" into some Filter - but that's 10 seconds work).

PS: I do hope that GH internalized the test data - if not (happens all the times) notify.

best, Peter


Here's the usual update (with a very simple C# that extrudes BrepFaces both sides at once).

Note: these closed Breps (4 per "module") are NOT the right way to do it unless you want some modular "hinged" stuff kinda like the wooden decorative thingy that ancient Indians wear.


thank you! :)

I'll post here soon something that "bypass" that #%^#% offset on surface thing (slow + faulty + ...) using solely C# (no GH components of any kind). After finding the outeLoop cOuter Curve, calculates the offset Curve by using the following  "alternative" (pl = plane on per module, D = distance, tol = tolerance):

 Curve polyOff = cOuter.Offset(pl, D, tol, CurveOffsetCornerStyle.Sharp)[0];

This is one test out of 6 possible "patterns" (triangles, diamonds, squares, ...) : runs 123,45 times faster than that offset on surface thing (a method actually)

Hmm.. I was wrong: the offset curve on surface method  is NOT 123 times slower: it's 188 times slower.





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