
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


So I encountered the image below and wanted to figure out how to do it in grasshopper. I think it has something to do with normals...

Say I have a single tree (brep) and a flowy hill (surface), how would I project multiples of this tree around the hill and have each aligning itself with the normal of the surface it happens to be on? I guess this question is basically "how do I do what this picture does? However, I want to be able to do it parametrically so that I can have whatever surface I want with whatever object I want projected on it in multiples and in response to the infinitude of normals of the surface? 


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Quick imitation.


This helps so much, I'm grateful! This is exactly what I am looking for.

However, a second step I would like to take would be to apply these trees (or whatever geometry) to a mesh surface. I have a definition I like to use which creates these nicely variable surfaces based off images, but the output is a mesh. And even when these meshes are converted to polysrf (the image below is a polysrf that was once a mesh), I can only select a single part of this polysrf, as if it can't recognize the entire thing as one surface. Is there a way to apply this to a mesh?

This version is for mesh surface.


Amazing, thank you hyungsoo. it works perfectly. thanks for all the time you spent on it. i love how it looks without the surface, with them just floating along phantom curved surfaces. 





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