
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey everyone, 

I'm interested on whether it is possible to use on a server. Imagine a command like this.

1. API endpoint receives numbers for parametric vase

2. Triggers rhino and grasshopper via Rhinoscript to generate the object, bake it, and save it.

3. Returns the URL where the new STL is located.

Has anyone else worked on a workflow like this? Ideally this would run on a linux box - but I'm guessing that is a non-starter. Are there better tools for this I don't know about?

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You need to be sure this doesn't violate the Rhino license agreement. A single license is only allowed to be used once at the same time, by a single user. Since Rhino does not run on Linux that is indeed an impossibility. Since Grasshopper isn't available yet for Rhino on Mac, your only choice is to run it on a Windows box.

Other than that there shouldn't be any technical problems, as long as you can make a good connection to the server from elsewhere. This is something that comes up every now and again, and there might even be some people in the Seattle office how know more about this. You can ask for details on our discourse forum. They'll also be able to help you out with the licensing issues.

Thanks David, should I ask licensing questions on discourse as well? Or elsewhere?

Yeah, discourse is our main forum these days. is kept because we have a rather large community here already, plus a lot of uploaded stuff.


Hi Jeff,

Did you have any luck with this?

I would like to be able to build this into a clients website. The site I'm working on is for an engineer who build lots of custom trays and tool boxes for ute/trucks. It would be really cool if we could work out a way for the customers to input measurements, model of vehicle, layout etc. Then have a 3D model on screen to display the product. There would probably be a selection of designs styles and material finished for each element then they would choose a layout (in a grid, almost like laying out a site).

It would probably be a little more in depth but similar to what these guys are doing

The end game would also have the ability to flatten/unfold some elements so they can be sent directly to the cutting machines.

This is something we are also willing to invest some ca$h into if there is someone out the who would be willing to work through this with us.

Cheers M.






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