
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I am a long time Rhino user (10 yrs all PC based) and very new Grasshopper user. I am a product designer and I have a bunch of experience working on AAA video game tittles as a level and character modeler. That being said, I am really interested in Grasshopper and I am having trouble learning it. Learning new software is often difficult especially when you are learning a new paradigm for creating like going from ZBrush to SolidWorks. Node based modeling is new to me.

One thing that I would like for Grasshopper that I have seen in MODO is more connection between the GH editor and the Rhino environment. I would like GH to recognize what I am doing in the Rhino work space automatically. If I create a polyline a polyline node automatically pops up in GH. If I revolve that polyline that connection to the polyline is also reflected in the GH window. This is not earth shattering. It would not only be a faster workflow but it would be a bridge to ramp into using GH faster/make it more likely that I would actually use it. Once I see how things are linked up based on how I already work I can go back in and add sliders and add logic that GH has that I done even know exists.

Is this realistic to ask for?


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You'll have to ask him I suppose. I think he's probably handling mouse events directly and trying to find whichever of his points is closest to the mouse ray.

There are special cases where what you suggest may be relevant. Rhino history for example is currently recordable but not editable. Grasshopper may be a good interface for making the history data editable. We do not know for sure.

This would be so neat!

I actually prefer GH to Rhino and just go straight to GH to create most models. Having GH components appear as I created things in Rhino would not make much difference to me really.

I wish there were easier ways to understand and manage data trees but I have no suggestions on how this could be done so I'll just keep marvelling at how the "superusers" do it :)





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