
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hey guys!
I've been working with grashopper for quite some time and since I came to some limitations concerning recursive loops i want to dig into python and scripting.
what i want to do is wirte a function that draws a circle and divides the circle.
then i want to redo the function for every division-point but reducing the new radius by 1 ...i want to redo this function just as long as my radius is higher than 0.
the script i managed to write so far looks like this:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

def recursion(pt,r,div):
if r > 0:
circle = rs.AddCircle(pt,r)
division = rs.DivideCurve(circle,div,True,True)
for d in division:
return recursion(d,r-1,div)



but somehow my function isn't applied to every divison you know what to change or how to rewrite the function?

thanks in advance

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Replies to This Discussion

for d in division

  return recursion...

The return statement is the problem I'll bet. If you return out of the loop, you'll only iterate once.

As David already pointed out, you are "breaking" your loop each time with return statement - meaning only the first item in the "division" list gets passed to each recursive function call. So just generate your list points first, before calling the function:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

def recursion(pts,r,div,n):
    if n > 0:
        divisionPtsL = []
        for pt in pts:
            circle = rs.AddCircle(pt,r)
            divisionPts = rs.DivideCurve(circle,div,True,True)
            for pt2 in divisionPts:
        return recursion(divisionPtsL,r*0.35,div,n-1)


Attached is a grasshopper version too.


thank you guys!
i really appreciate you guys answering to very beginner's questions!helps a lot!!






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