
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to use weverbird to create a hexagonal mesh btu I am havign toruble connection them and can't figure out why. I think the lines should also be dotted as there should be more the one set of information


Also for some reason the colours aren't working





Views: 2983


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i think you can use this

i understood that you want to assign color according to hex-cell area, hhm, this is a way

thanks, could you send the script, I can't read it properly form a image, i can only see half of it


For a correct preview, in both cases the Parameter(t) needs the area, not the sorted area, this is another way with domains.

Im sorry, Im new to grasshopper. What are the colors representing in this definition?

You must download Lunch box


gThanks, but the aim of the exercise i am doing is to use weaverbird, and I know my script can work, i'm just not sure what I have done wrong

Hi Sarah, bouding box have two options (Per object and union box) right click to change, BrepJoin is not necessary, connect (uvP) with (uv) and how you define a 4pointSurface if all items are equal, try this.

hey thanks for the reply- is there a way to do this with Rhino 4? So not using the patch ( for some reason I still cant get gh installed on my rhino 5...)

hi erik,

many thanks for your def.

something else.
the way to these variations is not so far away?*ImxSu6FEpMXcXOw*HR2kWc4lIv5PNO739-iTejJawTkyhSXVZy6RzL3afNiX6lHBYwHmZwmqRDCrml7i2kRDrHi/MeshPorco.PNG*7-SQttpp27mpW3yLEYhd4Sxc72N8jVC6zxaVOzYGWztA3D4-sEyZ-gpFdlr4xWl/PunkCerdoV2_110.png

i'll try it by myself,
but if you have the answer faster,
i am realy pleased, of course.







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