
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,


I am new to grasshopper, I have watched quite a lot of starter tutorials but haven't really advanced my skills far along. I think the best way for me is to start a project and learn that way instead of following other peoples projects.


I was looking to build a mesh facade, seen in attachment and was wondering if anyone could reccomend a good video that could help me with this.


Thanks a lot,



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It would be very lucky for you a video related to that ...
If you are new, I recommend you spend a few mins thinking of a simple idea to make with everything you've learned. After other mins to think the process gh and then you focus in each case the process. I say this because I think you learn better when you find problems that you caused yourself.

This image seems to be made from a zigzag curve, repeated and extruded across. In each resulting surface applies a solid difference from a Voronoi diagram.

Not sure about video might help you, but typically the way to start is to write down the steps required to achieve the desired end-result. You can do this in regular human-language, or in pseudo-code, or in an actual programming language, or perhaps as a cartoon. Just some document that explains how the problem ought to be solved. 

This document may have gaps in it of course, it's possible you don't know all the steps required. That's sort of why this forum exists. However it's difficult to help someone if there's nothing available in terms of information apart from I-want-to-make-something-that-looks-like-this-picture.

Hi David/ Daniel,


Thanks for the advise , I was just hoping to find something more specific in what I was looking to do, but doesnt seem to be as simple as that.


I will carry on with the videos and when I find some gaps I will seek assistant.


Thanks once again






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