
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I wanted to discuss an issue I've been thinking of lately regarding the development and sharing of gh clusters. We have developed a suite of tools after a lot of hard work and effort, we find it very useful for architectural projects and we were thinking about the way we could share this in order to get the minimum benefits to keep the development updated. Does anyone know which would be the best way to do so (just donation, crowdfunding, licenses... )? In other words, is there any official plan for an app-like existing market where you could insert this kind of products? Will some kind of "educational license" as a feature for clusters (like password) be developed in the future?

Also, any heads up from the Grasshopper development team addressing this topic or any proposals are highly welcomed.

Thank you all.  

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[...] is there any official plan for an app-like existing market where you could insert this kind of products?

Plans yes, results no. The idea is to have a central database (or 'appstore' if you will) for GH2 that would be able to handle GHA plugins, clusters, scripted components, tutorials, etc. etc. But not a single line of code has been written in this area as of today.


David Rutten

Thanks, David!

Now, we wonder if an intermediate solution (namely, a firewall/component) that allows to read some sort of educational licenses, given a limited number of them, could fix it so far. 

We were thinking of delivering a limited amount of licenses, though we're struggling with finding the final component that guarantees the proper reading of it. 

Hi,David,the "Grasshopper" plug-in is a person you done it? Components for all, every update,adding new ideas, as well as the future of GH2.0.
PS:This is a great software,thanks for your hard work!

Are you asking whether I'm the programmer for Grasshopper? If so, yes. There are of course many plugins that I do not write, but the core application is mine.






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