
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm a beginner at Grasshopper and I'm working with a list of 4200 items connected to a Cull Pattern component, which is connected to a Gene Pool.

As far as I understood, the gene pool does not accept a number of genomes higher than 1000. Is that right? It means that I cannot, for example, control more than 1000 of my "Isotrimmed" surfaces. 

Is there a way to configure more than 1000 genomes for it?

What I'm trying to do is to reverse the randomly set surfaces:

Would anyone give me some help?


Views: 1448

Replies to This Discussion

Are you seriously looking to manually pick over a 1000 values?

Although I don't quite understands what "[...] reverse the randomly set surfaces" means, it sounds as though you can replace your sliders with some logical components that compute the culling values you need.


David Rutten

Hi David, thanks for your answer.

Yes, that is what I mean in fact. I said "randomly" because I chose the "Randomize 100%" in the Gene Pool. 

Also, I found a Vb Script to get an input for a Gene Pool that you posted on a discussion in July 2012 (attached), and I could set the counter to a number higher than 1000 (4200). 

What I don't get is: if I have a number of values (0 or 1) in the Gene Pool and I want those 0 to become 1 and 1 to become 0, how would I do that?

I'm sorry for my amateurism.


If you want to generate large amounts of random true/false values, there are much better ways to achieve that than using GenePool.

Inverting True/False values can be done directly inside each Boolean Parameter using the Invert menu option:


David Rutten

It worked for me. Thanks a lot! 





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