
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, this is the first time I'm in the forum. I've got this code where we emulate the Croatian Pavilion (Venice 2012) with a dent on the surface. What we need is to get a solid out of that so we can bake and then work on a laser cut file.

Thnks for your time, 

we are rookies here!

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... on first sight there's a chaotic logic on that one (but that's the purpose I guess). This is (another) typical example about why a "visual" tree "manipulator" (see GH pain points thread :  only yours truly and another fellow user think that's something worth considering - don't expect that to happen in the current decade).

Solid you said? Related with what? Or do you mean applying the pipe component in 6700 items (after cleaning) and then join...what could be joined? (meaning a far better tree re-arrangement). Anyway since the whole thing is like a spaghetti orgy - before cooking time -  I can't see any solid (other than "welded structural steel") here:

My suggestion?Well...

Plan A: use the mapper either at the end of the process or - better - at some intermediate stages (but only if you get the whole gist of the underlying logic: why that 9700 item tree is like that? etc etc - requires some time I guess) in order to sort ("classify") the spaghetti "layers"  properly and then perform any "solid" opp you think appropriate.

Plan B: create "alternative" paths (using filter/gate etc) that could (or not) display/create pipes at geometry creation time (on a per local component basis). I can provide you several quite complex cases where the level of displayed/calculated detail is user controlled (VERY CPU taxing, that is).

may the Force be with you

best, Peter

BTW: of course there's always Plan C: you could apply the pipe "at once" (in all the spaghetti "axis") - but that's  not exactly good engineering I must say.

And here's a classic way to "redirect" lot's of lot's of "extrusion paths" (axis) 

(a) display them either as they are (wire geometry).

(b) as some sort of pipes (or anything suitable)

(c) hide them completely - see that gate option 2 points to nowhere.

Hey Peter, really appreciate your time and effort. We'll give it a try to this whole transformation of a foam-like project to a brick-like one.


Effort/Time ? not at all (only 3.56 minutes to inspect that thing - that was before the double espresso + one cigar).

After the brain storming (espressoboost) ... here's the spaghetti nightmare :

1. The thing (in that state of parameters) uses 19 layers of pasta affected by that point (why? nobody can see the bending chaos).

2. Data cleaned and simplified. The branch thing allows you to see/inspect/export the pasta on a per layer basis.

3. Added the wire/solid(pipe) gate - handle with care.

4. In order to print you'll need to join the pasta (on a per layer basis).

May the Force ....


BTW: Here's the CPU taxing thing:

The branch component displays 1 of the 19 branches (say layers) of that thing. PS: Link the slider with the correct initial parameter (I'm too lazy to find what is where).

But...whilst this is instant (case : wire display) ... when you choose pipe as display mode using the Gate component ... the poor computer attempts to create 400 pipes at the time that the branch component displays 400 lines. 

Unfair I may say.

CUDA/TESLA anyone?

BTW: due to some curiosity crisis I've attempted to "solidify" 100+K "wires" (they are rather more than that used). Computer entered into some paranoid state ... and the experiment ended in tears.

Added some more "scan the pasta" ways and something to guide you into the unknown.

best, Peter






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