
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

i feel stupid.just trying to choose a tree branch, but can't get it

simple, but what i have found in the other posts hasn't help me.
So i would appreciate someone send me to the right post (sure there has to be one, as this is simple thing).
I got a tree with 3 branches, which contain points.
i am just trying to use a {0;0} tree branch expression to select only that branch.
then as i dont know what is going bad, i tried with graphmapper...but still no success. I just feel i am not ready for this on a sunday morning.
So maybe someone knows the link to a discussion that cover tree branches.
i will keep on trying, i am terrible at searching in this forum

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Have a look at this post from earlier today:

Instead of the {*;1} in the text panel for the Path Compare component put in {0;0;*} and then ignore the final List Item component. With your data example shown in the image the Path Compare component will generate a Boolean list with the the first 21 items being True and the rest False. From this pattern you can Cull the branches that are not required to use in the Specific Tree Branch component.
really? i just don't feel this is the right way. i just started with 3 surfaces, and made an uv division. i just want to be able to select the division points from each surface separately. and have to go for a boolean culling items?
Thanks, i saw the post before. Just thought it should be easier to select a branch. I mean, i could do diferent divisions and then i get the points. just wanted to use one division and then learn to use the tree paths.
Thanks Danny Boyes
At present the Tree Branch component will not select items in this way, until it does, (and I don't know if David would implement this or not.) this is one way I see you achieving your intended results. But if you want to select every major branch separately not just {0;0...} then if you know the numbers of points on your surfaces you could flatten and split the lists at the various points.
Hi Javier,

actually you've got 63 branches (based on the image you posted).

I'm a bit fuzzy about what exactly you're trying to accomplish. Do you want to discard all data not in a {0;0;*} branch?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
i wanted to be able to select {0;0;*} branch, and later 01* and 02*

i thought it might be easy to do. i am always doing things as fast as i can, and not spending much time in learning how others would do it. then my files are a caos...
i should learn the proper ways to do things.

think i need to study a bit more about trees and graphmappers.

anyway, i got what i needed, but still would like to know what would be the proper-faster-cleaner way to do it.
What do you mean by "and later 01* and 02*"? It's easy enough to simplify your data tree so that you're only left with three branches (00, 01 and 02, plus any additional branches you may have in the future), and then it's easy enough to extract a single of these branches. In the image below, I collapse all branches based on their first two numbers:

Extracting all the branches that adhere to 00* is also possible. I haven't released the TreeSplit component yet, but it can be used to split a tree into two (a positive and a negative), based on which branches do and do not match a pattern:

Here's an old-fashioned way of doing it:

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi David,

Cool Tree Split component. Any idea of when you will get to release 0.8?

Also is it possible to include the use of the wild card characters in the Tree Branch component? Or is this not a good idea?

Best regards,
Hi Danny,

I'm hoping to release before going to Seattle next week. I'm not sure yet I'll make it (lot of work left with Clusters), but if I don't, I might just disable the cluster UI and release anyway.

I think it would be an excellent idea to normalise all the components that deal with tree branches to take both Paths and String patterns. I'll have a look at how much time this will take.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

thank i Had the same problem it helped

the solution was "Split Tree" Component.






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