
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Greetings parametric designers!

I've made a simple definition that creates a square grid made up of several untrimmed surfaces and a set of points over some of the cells. What I want to do now is cull the cells that have a point over them so that the end result is the original grid of surfaces without the ones that were culled. So, any help? I suppose the way to do it is to test weather the points belong to the surfaces and if so the information is dispatched to create a new grid. However, being a relatively new user of grasshopper I still struggle with these simple tasks. Thanks in advanced!

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point in curves or maybe closest point.

Thanks Erick, the second definition using the closest point method worked like a charm for what I was trying to do. And so simple as well. It seems I still have a lot to learn :P

Again, thanks!

Depending on how the point locations are defined, it doesn't have to be that complex. Are the point locations imperative, or are they randomly generated locations?

Indeed, by what Erick Vásquez showed, it is quite straight forward. In my case the points aren't randomly located; they are the center points of the cells. The image I put here was just a simplified version of what I was trying to accomplish. Thanks for the reply :)






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