
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi, I'm new to grasshopper and i'm try to use voronoi to make a structural skin on a surface, like the below image

Do anyone know how to give a thickness to the baked surface and how can i make the voronoi pattern be affected by the attractor points?

Thank you.

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Hi Grape,

Would it not make more sense to give it thickness before you bake? If you convert it to a mesh you can use some of the tools in Weaverbird to get some nice effects.

Here is an example of changing density with the use of an attractor point


hey Danny i appreciate the help that you gave to Grape. my questions goes a little further, i found this hotel in China and i was wondering if there was a way to apply what you helped grape make to a surface, and if you had multiple attractor points if that would be possible too. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks

hi Danny,

It's cool. Thank you for your help. There is a same question as justin, i am wondering how to control the voronoi pattern on a wavy surface by multiple points? 

Many thanks!

Hi Grape,

In order to have multi atractor points you need to measure the distances to the closest one.

[Closest Point] has a distance output which is handy. Once you have created your Voronoi you can [Project] this onto your wavy surface.

You should note that these are just examples of the principle not the best way to go about this.







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