
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I want to create a surface which is divided with panels. So far thats working. Now i made lines between a point and the middle of the panels. I want that the panels are perpendicular to the line. I do not know how to do that or it is not working.

(The panels also may be triangular)

What i am trying to do is recreating the sun and let the surface have the best position to the sun according to the best energy generation of the sun. So i want the biggest surface facing the position of the sun. It can be possible that there is another way to do it.

I hope anyone can help me!



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Replies to This Discussion

You can construct a plane from z-vector (the line between the mid point of your panel and the set point).
And then project the surface onto this plane in the direction of the vector.

But keep in mind: the sun is so fare away all rays hitting tnx earth are assumed paralell...
Thanks for your reaction!
I Will look into it, but do you maybe have a grasshopper file so i know the components?

I know that the sun is far away. It is more experimental. The purpose is that the façade moves when the sun is moving. Also the next step is to put surrounding buildings, so the sun is blocked.
Maybe you have any ideas?

Hi Mariette,

I've been doing a very complex version of what you wrote about to analyze sun reflections using a combination of Mostapha Roudasri's Ladybug plugin and  Brian Lockyear's Heliotrope plugin (sorry I can't share the code right now). You can find both of those plugins at Food4Rhino. I would start with Heliotrope and see if you can get the results you want. Ladybug is a more complicated install because you also need to install Radiance in a very particular way.






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