
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Upcoming April Lectures @ UMN and Woodbury

In April, I will be giving 2 back-to-back lectures:  The first will be at the University of Minnesota followed by a lecture at Woodbury University in Burbank...  you can find out more @ my blog.

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Comment by Toussaint Jimenez Rojas on March 7, 2012 at 11:32pm

Jeejeje lets see what can i do, but i'm not local here, i am doing a master degree here in a public  university so there's not too much budget to brings internationals lectures here, the other handicap its the education here they have deep roots in the Modernism and Post-Modernism and understood that Parametric agenda its and Aberration jejejeje 

Comment by Nathan Miller on March 7, 2012 at 9:48pm

Most of my talks are video recorded by the hosting organization but none have made their way online.  They are probably collecting dust in some archive, unfortunately.  Option 2:  figure out a way to get me to Argentina!  I would love to visit ;)

Comment by Toussaint Jimenez Rojas on March 7, 2012 at 11:19am

Nathan why you dont save your Lecture with Camtasia Studio and upload it, to help us THE POOR PEOPLE so far away (argentina)  who are interesting in GH and we cant go to a cool lecture like yours ? 





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