
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,


sure, we all know the romanesco.

But with the eys with a bit of a grasshopper background I was blown away by it´s high regularity of those spirals of little dimples. After a short research, it turned out to be an order in fibonacci spirals. Isn´t that awesome? It makes my skills here feel really small. Also I imagine that mankind has seen (and even eaten) stuff since thousand of years that we are cranking around now with computers.

Well, see this as an challenging inspiration!




credits: image: out of wikipedia

check out the article about self similarity on wikipedia. Strange enough they have other examples on the same topic on the german article: Selbstähnlichkeit

Views: 931


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Comment by robert cervellione on February 6, 2011 at 3:47pm

the 3d Mandelbrot algorithm can describe something like that vegetable.


i have been playing around with the math in grasshopper but it is difficult to do as geometry as oppose to just voxles . 

Comment by Mateusz Zwierzycki on February 3, 2011 at 5:21pm
@Luis - I belive that nature mimics fibonacci sequence ;]
Comment by Hrvoje Petrovic on February 2, 2011 at 5:00am
Well, humans are sitting in warm rooms trying to "remake" things for themselves as they see them in nature, aren't they? Other species just enjoy in those things as they are...
Comment by Luis Fraguada on February 1, 2011 at 3:38pm

"After a short research, it turned out to be an order in fibonacci spirals."


Or rather, the Fibonacci sequence mimics this form?





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