the mesh into long strips 1 quad wide.
*I did make an alternative icon for this, but opted for the tamer one in the end ;)
The Unroller component goes along the strip face by face, rotating it into a single plane.
Note that this component will still give a result even if you supply it with non planar quads - it will just fold them along a diagonal. However, if the faces are significantly non-planar, then it won't work as well for fabricating from a smooth strip of sheet material, so it is better to try and make sure your planarizing in the relaxation part is working well.
The Unroller component also has a T input which allows you to unroll only part of the mesh at a time. This is mainly for animation purposes, and most of the time you will probably just want to leave it set at 1.
At the moment the unroller is limited to working with open strips, so if your strip forms a closed loop, you will have to split it first. Later releases should include an automatic 'loop snipper'.
The final part of the definition then takes all these strips, orients them into the XY plane, and does some very basic layout.
It's then up to you to label, add tabs, nest, laser cut and assemble!
Because of the subdivision, each strip should have an even number of quads, which can also be useful for generating interlocking tabs by offsetting alternate groups of edges. I'll try and post an example of this soon.
I hope this is helpful. It was my intention when making this that it could be a relatively quick and easy way of making smooth curved structures out of sheet material, (I'm thinking card, polypropylene, metal, thin plywood...) with a lot less fixing/connecting work than doing a similar shape with individual panels.
Thanks to all the participants in these long-running threads:*
which inspired this work, especially some of the comments by Ivan Kiryakov, Wiktor Kidziak, Giulio Piacentino, Andrew Haas and Mårten Nettelbladt.
*note also that the meshes generated using this definition can be used for developable strips, because they have the even-valence property.
I was also inspired by these papers:…
hat differ in shapes, sizes and height the facade would be a mess. Some spaces need some light while other can't have any. I would like to have full freedom of creation inside the building, to make it as functional as possible. Thats why i decided the parametric "skin" solution would be best. Since the location has industrial past (factories made of brick) i decided that brick would give interesting result.
I tried creating the definition on my own but since i lack skill in GH i got some problems (especially multiplication of bricks and the diffrence between each "level" (half a brick on y axis) caused problems for me.
I post my simple sketch explaining the idea of definition i would like to create (sorry about quality):
1 - Brep - I would like to use 25x12x6cm (classic brick) but as well experiment with diffrent shapes - like the one on the right with hole inside - that would give more light. Thats why i think the best solution would be using brep for this definition.
2- Multiplication - biggest problem for me - I don't know how tall the wall would be, what will be the final shape of Brep (brick) and that's why i would like to manipulate this with sliders as well. All the walls are flat (maybe it would be easier to use surface?). As i managed to multiply the bricks easy way i don't know how to gain control over height of the wall - for example that it is 30 bricks high, but has each second row moved on x axis by the distance of 1/2 brick. I tried using Series but with no success. Could you help me with that please?
3 - Rotation - i would like to use image sampler for that so i can "paint" where i want more sun and where i dont need it at all (black and white). The rotation has to be limited to 180 degrees as well. Obviously i didn't get here yet, but i never used image sampler so if you could give me some advice how to use component and how to create such images i would be really grateful.
4 - More of a concept thing - since the connection angles differ from 90 degrees i will have to figure out how to connect the parts of the wall at sides ;).
I would like to ask you for help with the defintion, since i am totally stuck at step 2. I post what i came up with so far. Thank you for your time and help!
PS. I post an image that is pretty similar to one of options i would like to check for my building.
lName, signalValue, operationMode):
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
if type(signalName) is str:
if type(signalValue) is bytearray:
sigV = (ct.c_ubyte*len(signalValue))(*signalValue)
if type(signalValue) is str:
sigV = (ct.c_ubyte*len(signalValue))(*signalValue)
if type(signalValue) is bytearray:
sigV = (ct.c_ubyte*len(signalValue))(*signalValue)
if type(signalValue) is str:
signalValue=bytearray(signalValue)#<========This is line 1052
sigV = (ct.c_ubyte*len(signalValue))(*signalValue)
sigV=ct.cast(sigV,ct.POINTER(ct.c_ubyte)) # IronPython needs this
return c_WriteStringStream(clientID, signalName, sigV, len(signalValue), operationMode)
It displays the following error:
Program started
Connected to remote API server
Runtime error (TypeErrorException): unicode argument without an encoding
line 1052, in simxWriteStringStream, "C:\Program Files (x86)\V-REP3\V-REP_PRO_EDU\programming\remoteApiBindings\python\python\"
line 70, in script
Any hint?…
are hotter than the least overlapped parts.
I'm trying to create gradients when overlapping between closed surfaces occur. The gradient goes from the center of the most overlapped figure to the edges of the least overlapped figures.
To help understand how I'm thinking it, I will first show you my solution for one figure.
As I said in the title, it's kind of a pseudo gradient. It's a way of organising areas (rings) inside of the geometry. To achieve this I thought in creating a series of rays that then can be divided in segments, in this case 3 segments of same lenght per ray, I could get more resolution in the gradient by dividing in more thus creating more rings...
in this picture the rays are in dark red and go from the center to 4 points in the perimeter, if I wanted more resolution I could have more rays, but with this simple figure 4 is enough
the rings are in a gradient of colors from the center to the perimeter, lighter in color each time:
so when I have 2 overlapping geometries
the center of the gradient should be on the center of the most overlapped part (in red) and go to the perimeter of the pink parts
for the red figure I draw the rays from the center to its perimetry. and for the pink figures the gradient should go from the parts that are in contact with the red figure to the perimeter, something like this:
still that is something I did with rhino and it's pretty intuitive...
the problem gets worse when i have more figures and more "heat centers"
like in these examples
maybe the approach should not be with rays to create the rings... maybe with offsets..
not sure if it's not too complicated to achieve in grasshopper and maybe there's another way of creating a gradient with multiple focuses...
would aprecciate any help
phere with the maximum number of triangles but not much than a defined threshold.
I scaled that mesh just to fit Rhino grid, but it is not mandatory. What is useful, is to scale not uniformly the mesh (Scale NU). It could be done after cellular modifier applied or before or before and after. The 3 options are possible in the script. If you don’t need them just put 1 in scale sliders.
Ellipsoid mesh is the populated with points, I put 2 independents populations to randomize a bit further. For each vertices of the mesh the closest distance from the populated points is calculated.
Here is an illustration in color of this distance.
This distance is then used to calculate a bump. If domain for bump is beginning with negatives values to 0, it carves the mesh. Instead it bumps/inflates it.
Some images to illustrate the difference with populating 100 points with one or two populations.
Here some images to illustrate the application of scale before carving or after.
Next phase apply noise. At the moment I don't find it good.…
Basically, I want to create a workflow to automatically subdivide a building mass envelope geometry into different floors which will be further subdivided as perimeter zones and core zones.
But I encountered an error for a particular building mass geometry (a quite regular form) which doesn't work with the split building mass component (see item 4&5 below):
The workflow is:
1. import building mass geometry:
2. divide the building mass into floors (one zone per floor) using one of the two different methods depending on whether the floor surface has holes or not:
3. use the split building mass component to further divide the zone for each floor into perimeter zones and core zone:
4. I tested several building forms which work for this workflow as shown below, except for one form C05 which is a courtyard block with small tower blocks on top of it:
5. in the last step, there is an error from the split building mass component saying that "solution exception: index out of range: 0" ...
So, I wonder if this is error is related to the split building mass component or related to the way the building mass geometry is created.
Appreciate your kind advice!
Thank you!…
x geometry which will be the basis in plan for a building facade. The problem is as follows:
I am generating a series of arcs using 3 different ranges for radii. Each segment of the geometry is assigned one of the radii. The length of each arc segment is controlled by a specific number, also within a range -- the end goal is to divide this geometry into perfectly equal segments.
(Parameter Ranges)
I am building these arcs in such a way that they are tied to the arc drawn before it - meaning that as the length of the previous arc is adjusted, the arc in question will still begin where the previous arc ends, and be tangent from said previous arc.
This approach works well until I get to the final segment of the form. I want to be able to close the form in a way that the final arc both meets the first arc at its tangent point and is a length divisible by the desired segment length.
Through a series of trial and error by means of adjusting the radii, panel size, and arc lengths, I have been able to get the geometry to being very close to closed, but there is always some sort of remainder, or the last arc is not tangent to the first arc.
My thought is that this would be a perfect scenario to use Galapagos, but my attempts to do so have resulted in an almost immediate crash of rhino. I'm not sure if I'm feeding too many inputs into galapagos (the radii ranges and segment length ranges), or that the number I'm telling it to minimize is incorrect (distance between the end of the final segment and the start of the first segment), or if there is a larger issue with the definition I've written, but I haven't been able to figure out the issue.
Are there any thoughts out there on how I might be able to reach a possible solution? Or at the very least is there any precedent for a geometric shape similar to what I am trying to create which follows the same number of parameters I'm using?
I've attached the GH definition as well as a rhino model for your visual reference. To preview the GH form in rhino, simply assign the only curve in the attached rhino model to the crv node in grasshopper:
This simply locates everything that's being generated in grasshopper in space in rhino.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts, and also apologies for a somewhat potentially messy definition.
Added by Ray LeChase at 11:12am on August 31, 2016
he Cordyceps. Maybe some of you find this helpful/useful.
So basically, the Cordyceps is a physical module with 4 knobs and 1 slider. The knobs give an output between 1 and 1000, while the physical slider outputs 0-359. And of course, for this physical module I wrote a plugin to communicate with it. The knobs are intended to be the variables that modifies the design, while the physical slider is intended to be connected to the camera component.
Here I will put up "the recipe" for all to make their own module. You will be able to download the plugin as well.
Please send me a message if you want the 3D-files for the knobs, the box and slider knob. They've been made to directly 3D-print.
Code for Arduino IDE:
What you need:
1x - Arduino (Leonardo, UNO or whatever)
4x - Potentiometers
1x - Sliding potentiometer
1x - Breadboard
Bundle of jump wires.
1. So, a potentiometer is a variable resistor, which is basically a component that changes the resistance between the voltage and the ground.
If A is supplied with 5V then B must be connected to Ground. The W will give "read" the resistance, and thus should be placed in Analog input (A0-A5) on the Arduino. The slider potentiometer works the same way.
2. Now connect the 4 pots to each their Analog input. The slider is supposed to be in A4. So to make sure:
A0: Knob1
A1: Knob2
A2: Knob3
A3: Knob4
A4: Slider
3. Now it's time to connect the voltage! Using the breadboard, the voltage can be sent through 1 line, the Ground as well. It should be quite easy to connect them.
4. Now, download the Arduino IDE and copy-paste the code I supplied above. In the IDE, you need to let it know which Arduino you're working with, and which port is should send the script.
5. Almost there. Download the plugin. Open the port you're using through the plugin. Set Start to True and the Cordyceps should be within you.
This recipe will be updated!
Let me know if there are any issues.
// Zakaria Djebbara…
he Cordyceps. Maybe some of you find this helpful/useful.
So basically, the Cordyceps is a physical module with 4 knobs and 1 slider. The knobs give an output between 1 and 1000, while the physical slider outputs 0-359. And of course, for this physical module I wrote a plugin to communicate with it. The knobs are intended to be the variables that modifies the design, while the physical slider is intended to be connected to the camera component.
Here I will put up "the recipe" for all to make their own module. You will be able to download the plugin as well.
Please send me a message if you want the 3D-files for the knobs, the box and slider knob. They've been made to directly 3D-print.
Code for Arduino IDE:
What you need:
1x - Arduino (Leonardo, UNO or whatever)
4x - Potentiometers
1x - Sliding potentiometer
1x - Breadboard
Bundle of jump wires.
1. So, a potentiometer is a variable resistor, which is basically a component that changes the resistance between the voltage and the ground.
If A is supplied with 5V then B must be connected to Ground. The W will give "read" the resistance, and thus should be placed in Analog input (A0-A5) on the Arduino. The slider potentiometer works the same way.
2. Now connect the 4 pots to each their Analog input. The slider is supposed to be in A4. So to make sure:
A0: Knob1
A1: Knob2
A2: Knob3
A3: Knob4
A4: Slider
3. Now it's time to connect the voltage! Using the breadboard, the voltage can be sent through 1 line, the Ground as well. It should be quite easy to connect them.
4. Now, download the Arduino IDE and copy-paste the code I supplied above. In the IDE, you need to let it know which Arduino you're working with, and which port is should send the script.
5. Almost there. Download the plugin. Open the port you're using through the plugin. Set Start to True and the Cordyceps should be within you.
This recipe will be updated!
Let me know if there are any issues.
// Zakaria Djebbara…
d simulate the bending process of a flat stell sheet in order to get the same shape. This can be really interesting so we can evaluate the material beheaviour, the deformation on the cross section a
nd explore big deformations in mecanics analysis of materials.
I am not a mecanical engineer nor a civil engineer, I´m an Architect and my interest is the construcction method and extracting the necesary information to consider fabricating the project.
I´m having conceptual challengings on the methodology for this simulation, so I will post a small overview of what I`ve done.
1.- Understanding the Geometry.
This is a sclupture by the Venezuelan/Hungarian/German artist Zoltan Kunckel (KuZo).
The shape is achieved bending a pre water cut square sheet of stainless steel. After bended manually, the different lashes are pulled on the opposite direction. New curvatures are produced after all is deployed.
2.- Reproducing the Shape digitally.
Using Karamba I built a definition to reproduce the produced by physical stress. This model served to find deformations that occur when a set of loads are applied to a mesh. Following this process will allow us to find a coherent and more natural cross section so then we could re-shape simulating the bending process of a piece of ductile material.
3.- Discretizing curve
Reducing the model to its simplest element is a key aspect of finite nonlinear analysis. Once our shape is already defined we can divide its principal characteristic of its principal given curve.
At this point I have already found the desired curve.
I Think the better strategy to simulate bending the steel sheet into this shape, is rationalize the curve and divide it finding the tangents one of the curve that compose this sort of parabola. bur i don`t know how to parametrize that in GH.
Please. If someone have a better Idea about this process I`ll glad to read sugestions.
Tomás Mena