8.3.0************* IDF Context for following error/warning message:************* Note -- lines truncated at 300 characters, if necessary...************* 829 Construction,************* indicated Name=PELLE001************* Only last 10 lines before error line shown.....
************* 832 AIR WALL2, !- - Layer 2************* 833 X-LAM, !- - Layer 3************* 834 POLYSTYRENE2, !- - Layer 4************* 835 PANNELLO VIP, !- - Layer 5************* 836 POLYSTYRENE2, !- - Layer 6************* 837 X-LAM, !- - Layer 7************* 838 LANA DI ROCCIAS, !- - Layer 8************* 839 VANO IMPIANTI, !- - Layer 9************* 840 LANA DI ROCCIAS, !- - Layer 10************* 841 LASTRA IN GESSOFIBRA, !- - Layer 11** Severe ** IP: IDF line~841 Error detected for Object=CONSTRUCTION** ~~~ ** Maximum arguments reached for this object, trying to process ->LASTRA IN GESSOFIBRA<-************* IDF Context for following error/warning message:************* Note -- lines truncated at 300 characters, if necessary...************* 985 Construction,************* indicated Name=ROOF001************* Only last 10 lines before error line shown.....************* 988 TRAVETTI, !- - Layer 2************* 989 TAVOLATO, !- - Layer 3************* 990 POLYSTYRENE2, !- - Layer 4************* 991 PANNELLO VIP, !- - Layer 5************* 992 POLYSTYRENE2, !- - Layer 6************* 993 X-LAM, !- - Layer 7************* 994 LANA DI ROCCIAS, !- - Layer 8************* 995 VANO IMPIANTI, !- - Layer 9************* 996 LANA DI ROCCIAS, !- - Layer 10************* 997 LASTRA IN GESSOFIBRA, !- - Layer 11** Severe ** IP: IDF line~997 Error detected for Object=CONSTRUCTION** ~~~ ** Maximum arguments reached for this object, trying to process ->LASTRA IN GESSOFIBRA<-** Warning ** IP: Note -- Some missing fields have been filled with defaults. See the audit output file for details.** Severe ** IP: Possible incorrect IDD File** ~~~ ** IDD Version:"IDD_Version 8.3.0"** ~~~ ** Version in IDF="8.3" not the same as expected="8.3"** ~~~ ** Possible Invalid Numerics or other problems** Fatal ** IP: Errors occurred on processing IDF file. Preceding condition(s) cause termination....Summary of Errors that led to program termination:..... Reference severe error count=3..... Last severe error=IP: Possible incorrect IDD File************* Warning: Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning).************* Fatal error -- final processing. Program exited before simulations began. See previous error messages.************* EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.************* EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.************* EnergyPlus Terminated--Fatal Error Detected. 1 Warning; 3 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 0.34sec
My question is how i can fix it ??? and why it tell me that:
** Severe ** IP: Possible incorrect IDD File** ~~~ ** IDD Version:"IDD_Version 8.3.0"** ~~~ ** Version in IDF="8.3" not the same as expected="8.3"** ~~~ ** Possible Invalid Numerics or other problems** Fatal ** IP: Errors occurred on processing IDF file. Preceding condition(s) cause termination....Summary of Errors that led to program termination:
Help me pleaseeeeeeee
Thanks and Happy new year!!!!!…
g-in, brief theory of complex systems, introduction to multi-agent systems and non-linear design, flocking, Boid library, basic examples - brownian motion, adhesion, separation, alignment, geometry following.-----------------------TIME: first session10am – GMT, London11am – Paris, Brussels, Rome, Vienna, Budapest, Bratislava, Warsaw9pm - Sidney7pm – Tokyo6pm – Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Taipei3:30pm – Mumbai3pm – Karachi2pm - Samara1pm – Baghdad, Moscow, St Petersburg12pm – Istanbul, Athens, Helsinki, Cairo, JohannesburgTIME: second session3pm – GMT, London4pm – Paris, Brussels, Rome, Vienna, Budapest, Bratislava, Warsaw7pm – Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Baku6:30pm – Tehran6pm – Baghdad, Moscow, St Petersburg5pm – Istanbul, Athens, Helsinki, Cairo, Johannesburg1pm – Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Montevideo12pm – Buenos Aires, Santiago10am – Toronto, New York City, Bogota, Lima9am – Mexico City7am – Los AngelesWEBINARSThe rese arch Grasshopper® sessions are unique for their thorough explanation of all the features, which creates a sound foundation for your further individual development or direct use in the practice. The webinars are divided into four groups: Essential, Advanced, Iterative and Architectural. If you are a Rhinoceros 3D or Grasshopper® newcomer, you are advised to take all the Essential sessions before proceeding to the next level. If none of the proposed topics suit your needs or if you require special treatment, you can request a custom-tailored 1on1 session. All sessions are held entirely in English.The webinars are series of on-line live courses for people all over the world. The tutor broadcasts the screen of his computer along with his voice to the connected spectators who can ask questions and comment in real time. This makes webinars similar to live workshops and superior to tutorials.…
Added by Jan Pernecky at 3:36pm on February 17, 2015
o use these extensions in order to integrate numerous tools for analysis and simulation in the architectural process.
This course aims to develop a link between the virtual and the real context model through structural or environmental simulations, using other software or plug-ins dedicated. Through this link the virtual model receives physical properties that can further modify and adapt the initial model. This creates feedback loops that can optimize the design to provide an object responsive to environmental conditions.
Mesh subdivision with Weaverbird, continuous surfaces without NURBS
Genetic optimization with Galapagos, optimal search
Physical environment feedback with Diva and Geco, solar and day lighting analysis
Adding physical properties with Kangaroo Physics, interactive form-finding
Linking the parametric model with structural analysis using Karamba, structural performance simulation
Extracting data with Firefly and Kinect, 3D scanning and human movement tracking
Exchange of information between Grasshopper and other applications with Ghowl links to internet feeds or Excel files.
Module 04 / Grasshopper intermediate & advanced (24 h)
11 Oct – 26 Oct 2013
Language: Romanian
Organized by:
OAR Bucureşti – Romanian Order of Architects, Bucharest Branch
Ionuț Anton, idz arhitectura (ART-Authorised Rhino Trainer)
Daniela Tănase, idz arhitectura (ART-Authorised Rhino Trainer)
Added by Dana Tanase at 2:49am on September 5, 2013
main attention is set on easy to handle interface , which should be used at a early stage of conceptual design to respond to external and internal influences in a intelligent and sustainable way.
Participants will use the software Grasshopper as a parametric modeling plug-in for Rhino. The usage of this graphical algorithm editor tightly integrated with Rhino’s 3-D modeling tools open up the possibility to construct highly parametrical complex models. To generate this complexity we will use live linkages to several programs listed below:
• Autodesk Ecotect Analysis and Radiance via GECO
• Processing, Excel or Open Office via gHowl
• FEA software GSA via SSI
In this 3 intense days, the participants should learn the workflow of the plug-ins with the help of examples and get an overview of the different software’s, there possibilities for evaluating the performance of a design or the usage of additional tools to be not chained to a single system .
(e.g. parametrical accentuation, parametrical formation, parametrical reaction)
27th – 29th September 2010Leopold-Franzens university innsbruck/austria
Technik Campus | ICT - building
Technikerstraße 21a
A - 6020 Innsbruck | Austria
47°15’50.71”N 11°20’43.45”E
detailed program as pdf-version
All levels are welcome (students & professionals)
The only requirement is knowledge of Rhino and Basic Grasshopper.
You will need a level which corresponds to the Grasshopper Primer course outline.
21 hours
professionals: 395€
students (bachelor/master): 250€.
please send a email to to.from.uto@gmail.com attached with following information :
Last Name
First Name
Date of Birth
Email Address
Current Address
Profession or proof of student status
After submitting you will receive an email with a PayPal link to complete registration.…
hange to a rectangle or a sequence of lines to get the tube geometry. Author of the video explained how to do this in the comments, but that didn't help. :(
"Alan Rodriguez Carrillo 1 year ago + Aldo Villanueva Hi, what you can do is try to handle points (4) with the ListITEM component and change the order of relation, for example (0,1) (1,2) (2,3) (3, 4) (4.0) in a panel. Subsequently do the relation of points through a line from points or LineSDL and elaborate the same steps that are explained in this video. Thanks.
Carlos González Puchol 11 months ago + Aldo Villanueva + Alan Rodríguez Carrillo Buenas, Alan and Aldo. I made a closed, tube design. First I listed the 4 points and put them in order with the polyline the polyline, making it closed. Then I had to close them also in the last steps before doing the triangulation."
Can anyone explain how to make this work ? It seems easy. For a person that knows the trick :))
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9dnyfoielum6m1r/PABELLON_last.3dm?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/y8xdiaf66xbyn9l/PAVILION.gh?dl=0…
EP output variables are to calculate outdoorAirEnergy?
Thank you very much!
Output variables on the Read EP Results component:[1] totalThermalEnergy=cooling+heating[2] thermalEnergyBalance=cooling (-)andheating (+)[3] cooling= Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy [J](Hourly)=Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Cooling Energy [J](Hourly)+ Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Cooling Energy [J](Hourly)[4] heating= Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy [J](Hourly)= Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Heating Energy [J](Hourly) + Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Heating Energy [J](Hourly)[5] electricLight=Zone Lights Electric Energy [J](Hourly)[6] electricEquip=Electric Equipment Electric Energy [J](Hourly)[7] peopleGains=Zone People Total Heating Energy [J](Hourly)[8] totalSolarGain=Zone Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Energy[9] infiltrationEnergy=Zone Infiltration Total Heat Gain Energy (+)andZone Infiltration Total Heat Loss Energy (-)[10] outdoorAirEnergy= ???[11] natVentEnergy=Zone Ventilation Total Heat Gain Energy (+)andZone Ventilation Total Heat Loss Energy (-)[12] operativeTemperature=Zone Operative Temperature[13] airTemperature=Zone Mean Air Temperature[14] meanRadTemperature=Zone Mean Radiant Temperature[15] relativeHumidity=Zone Air Relative Humidity[16] airFlowVolume=[infiltrationFlow] Zone Infiltration Standard Density Volume Flow Rate+[natVentFlow] Zone Ventilation Standard Density Volume Flow Rate+[mechSysAirFlow] Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume Flow Rate+[earthTubeFlow] Earth Tube Air Flow Volume[17] airHeatGainRate=[surfaceAirGain] Zone Air Heat Balance Surface Convection Rate+[systemAirGain] Zone Air Heat Balance System Air Transfer Rate
Output variables on the Read EP Surface Results component:[1] surfaceIndoorTemp= Surface Inside Face Temperature[2] surfaceOutdoorTemp=Surface Outside Face Temperature[3] surfaceEnergyFlow=[opaqueEnergyFlow] Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Energy+[glazEnergyFlow] Surface Window Heat Gain Energy[4] opaqueEnergyFlow =Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Energy[5] glazEnergyFlow= Surface Window Heat Gain Energy[6] windowTotalSolarEnergy=Surface Window Transmitted Solar Radiation Energy[7] windowBeamEnergy=Surface Window Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Energy[8] windowDiffEnergy=Surface Window Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Energy[9] windowTransmissivity=Surface Window System Solar Transmittance…
stributes structural supports for a uniformly loaded domain using e.g. the internal energy of the loaded domain as fitness. Here the uniformly loaded domain is represented by the trimmed surface. My genomes are the support positions (green crosses), which are restricted to a set of predefined grid points. I’m currently using an (i,j)-coordinate indexing for these grid points (illustrated in the viewport just below) as opposed to a sequential , “one-dimensional” numbering (illustrated in the viewport further down).
(i,j)-indexing systemAltenative, sequential indexing system
The support positions are computed by two gene pools; one governing the i-index, Gene List {i}, and one governing the j-index, Gene List {j}, of each support. The value of slider 0 in Gene List {i} is paired with the value of slider 0 in Gene List {j} etc. and the amount of sliders corresponds to the amount of supports. The screen shot below depicts the slider constellation corresponding to the support distribution depicted above. Unfortunately the j-index represented in the sliders needs remapping as the number of j-indices vary for each i-index (horizontal row of grid points). With the current setup I have 12^6 x 9^6 = 1,6 x 10^12 different genomes. If I were to use the sequential, “one-dimensional” numbering, I would only use one gene pool with sliders ranging from 0 to 76 meaning that remapping could be avoided and thereby having only 76^6 = 1,9 x 10^11 different genomes.
So, my current genome setup causes a bunch of issues related to the Evolutionary Solver: Remapping Changing one of the j-index sliders, will not necessarily change the related support position but it will still facilitate another genome to be calculated by the solver. (This problem could be eliminated by using the sequential, “one-dimensional” numbering)
Switching slider values around If the values of e.g. slider 0 were to be switched around with the values of slider 5, this again would yield a new genome but an identical solution. (This problem cannot be eliminated by using the sequential, “one-dimensional” numbering)
Coincident support positions Two or more supports may be located in the same position. (This problem cannot be eliminated by using the sequential, “one-dimensional” numbering)
I find it impossible to imagine the fictive “fitness landscape” of this problem and not only because of the multidimensional genome characteristic but just as much because of these listed, intertwined peculiarities. I’ve tried running the Simulated Annealing Solver as well, but my experience is that the Evolutionary Solver yields better results. To my awareness, the solver uses some kind of topographical proximity searcher. This is why, I think that the solving process itself benefits more from analysing the (i,j)-index system, in which neighbouring grid points hold more uniform topographical information than the sequential, “one-dimensional” numbering, which might have big ID-numbering gaps between neighbours. Have I understood this correctly?
cs/numpy-for-iron-python-wit... ) also fails to allow numpy import:
Numpy and Scipy are in directories here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib\site-packages\
This is all a sad joke, taking a full day so far. Rhino just sort of sucks for serious work. There's no way I can offer any Numpy/Scipy scripts to clients this way, just impossible. Rhino/Grasshopper Python should come with this stuff, dear developers, or have a simple installer that just works. It comes with math already doesn't it? So why not Numpy and Scipy for serious users?
Upon restarting Rhino, it totally changes behavior and spits out a crazy error upon importing Numpy:
Message: The type initializer for 'NumpyDotNet.NpyCoreApi' threw an exception.Traceback: line 11, in <module>, "C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\multiarray.py" line 6, in <module>, "C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\__init__.py" line 155, in <module>, "C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib\site-packages\numpy\__init__.py" line 1, in <module>, "C:\Users\Nik\AppData\Local\Temp\TempScript.py"
The Grasshopper Python node editor gives the same error. Perhaps I can only import parts of Numpy using "from Numpy import XXXX"?…
Added by Nik Willmore at 3:32pm on October 11, 2015