ectural context.
We will work with 5 projects that meet the conditions to be re-thinked nowadays in parametrical terms. { FOA : World Trade Center / MAD OFFICE : 800M Tower / TOYO ITO : Relaxation Park / FOSTER & PARTNERS : Gherkin Tower / FREE : Soumaya Museum }
We will produce dynamic objects defined by parameters and modified in realtime.
We will learn to discretize, facet and panel in a non homogeneous way.
We will work with restrictions to determine our shapes, obtaining unpredictable results.
And we will take the control of what we produce : by measuring , visualizing and optimizing our parametric forms.
2 Groups / 30 students max :
Thursdays : 25 Apr ,02 ,09 ,16 & 23 May
Saturdays : 27 Apr ,04 ,11, 18 & 25 May
Fee : 73 € / student…
Added by Carlos Bañón at 10:26am on April 18, 2013
TB of RAM. I think I'm going to start a GoFundMe campaign to buy one for myself :)
2- The server's cost is about $13 an hour. I get free access to supercomputer through my university and because I earned an NSF Honorable mention last March, however, the supercomputers available through both resources are a little complicated for me to use, as opposed to the one available from amazon that has Microsoft server 2012 already installed.
3- I wanted to run 400 annual glare simulations for 400 different views.
4- I tried a to perform annual glare simulation for one view on my Dell XPS that has Intel Core i7-6700HQ processor and 16GB of system memory. The simulation took 2 hours to complete. Radiance parameter ab was set to 6.
5- I wanted to obtain the batch file for each view so I can run them on the server. So I used the fly component to run all 400 simulations and closed the cmd windows, that wasn't bad ( for me at least) because I asked my son to this job for me, he was just glad to help me :)
6- I created one batch file using this cmd command:
dir /s /b *.bat > runall.bat
This created a file with the path to each .bat file. I edited this file in Notepad++ to include the word "start" at the beginning of each line. This was done using the "find and replace" dialogue box.
7- I split my newly created batch file into 3 batch files, each one has about 130 file names and " start" before the file names.
8- installed radiance on my server
9- Ran the first batch file on the server, this started 130 cmd windows performing my simulations, CPU usage was anywhere between 90% to 100% and about 105 GB of RAMs were used.
10. It took about 5 hours to complete all 130 simulations, I expected to run all in 2 hours but can't complain because this would've taken about 260 hours to run on my laptop. After the simulations done I ran the second and then the third batch files ( total of about 15 hours).
11. I got 400 valid dgb files. Couldn't be happier!
s than 40% on average.2. 8gb usage is steady at 28% 3. I've been now looking at 2 blank white screen, in both Rhino and Grasshopper for well over 20 min. finally I went for a walk at 10:25am, (its a beautiful day why waste it looking at nonexistent calculations, It would help if there was a timing function in the code that would let me know how long the calculations were going to take, came back 11:25am still no results. Had to Quit Rhino in the Start manager.
I have used all sorts of window programs for well over 25 years. Rhino and Grasshopper are the only 2 programs that I have ever seen that show totally white screens in their operating windows :(
right? When the dataTree is this simple its not really a problem, but when it grows and I want to be able to refer to a specific GH branch e.g. {11;320} and I need to read this specific branch in Python? How do I do this?
I know that there is the function tree.Path(x) this will give me the GH Path, but how do I figure out what x needs to be? I guess there must be a simple answer :).
Thanks Rasmus…
Added by Rasmus Holst at 1:24am on October 14, 2013
nish your calculation)
This Timeout is a security reason and also let the user continue his/her work in RH
after it is finished just refresh the ecotectlink and request the final analysis
ed according to list C.
I tried replace members, but it consists of geometry, so it doesn't worked.
In list C I filtered all the indices that need to be replaced.
All items in {0;0} from C need to be replaced by List B {0;0}
All items in {0;1} from C need to be replaced by List B {0;1}
And so on...
In the end everything needs to be fed into a orient component.
G is the geometry behind list B
A is the new list (but I don't know how to create)
B is the list A of all 60 panels
To wrap up the question:
I need to have entry 1 from list B in a new list on position: 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 12 15 16 21
I need to have entry 2 from list B in the same new list on position: 4 8 9 13 14 etc. etc. etc.
I wonder how I can do this :) Thanks in advance!
he default for Rhino, degree=5 gives you smoother curves, but each control point matters less, degree=11 is the highest degree Rhino allows. Apart from 2, degrees tend to be odd rather than even, though Rhino supports both.
In addition to the degree and the control points, Nurbs curves have knots. A single knot is just a number, and the list of all knots is called the knot-vector of a curve. The number of knots depends on both the degree and the control-point count, and the spacing of the knots affects the shape of the curve a little bit. If there are <degree> knots with the same value, then the curve is somewhat discontinuous at that location which could manifest itself as a kink or as a clamped end-point. However it is not possible by just looking at the shape of a curve to say where stacked knots might be, but you can use the Rhino _List command to inspect all details of a Nurbs curve.…
arget group The workshop is addressed to students of architecture and civil engineering faculties at master level from Estonia (11 seats), Latvia (3 seats), Lithuania (3 seats) and Sweden (3 seats). The selected students will have full scholarship that will include travel, board and lodging in Tallinn for 10 days (arrival on Sunday 03.07.2016 departure on Wednesday 13.07.2016). The workshop is funded by the NORDPLUS programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) - Higher Education objective.
Description The use of digital and computational design tools is increasingly important for the activity of design and research for architects and engineers. It permits to integrate environmental and energy aspects from the very early stages of the design and planning process to achieve more performative, efficient and integrated buildings and urban environments. The workshop attendants will broaden their design and technical knowledge with solar design, daylighting and energy efficiency topics and will learn how to integrate environmental analysis and building performance analysis tools with parametric and generative methodologies in architecture and planning.
Tallinn University of Technology – Departments of Structural Design and Environmental Engineering
From 04 to 12 July 2016
Workshop blog
For detailed program, info and registration visit the blog at
In the weeks just before the workshop the blog will present also materials and tutorials to get a basic knowledge of the topics prior to the beginning of the workshop.
eroberfläche des Grasshopper Programms
Funktionsprinzip eines grafischen Algorithmus-Editors (Datenfluss)
Unterscheidung von Parametern (Datentypen) und Komponenten (Datenverarbeitung)
Erzeugung, Bearbeitung und Analyse von Geometrie-Typen: Punkte, Vektoren, Linien, Kurven, Flächen (surfaces, brep) und Netze (meshes)
Strukturierung der Daten anhand von Listen und Bäumen
unterschiedliche Verknüpfungsmöglichkeiten von Parametern (data matching)
praxisnahe Grundlagen der Geometrie und Vektorrechnung für generatives Design
effizienter Aufbau von parametrischen Modellen anhand Übungsaufgaben
Auszug von Daten aus Modellen für die Fertigung; Daten aus Tabellen (Excel, CSV) importieren, exportieren
Einsatz von benutzerdefinierten Komponenten (custom components)
Vorkenntnisse: Rhinoceros3d Benutzeroberfläche der Software: Englisch Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch
Details und Anmeldung:
click: SUCHE
oder direkt:
Trainer: Peter Mehrtens
Kursdauer: 3 Tage / 8 Stunden pro Tag
Freitag, 19.07.2013, 08:00-17:00 Uhr Samstag, 20.07.2013, 08:00-17:00 Uhr Sonntag, 21.07.2013, 08:00-17:00 Uhr Ort: Volkshochschule Schwäbisch Hall, im Haus der Bildung
Teilnahmegebühr: 349,00 € Teilnehmerzahl: 4-10 Personen
lane that looks like the outline of a gear wheel
2. Scale a bunch of copies of the curve to different sizes (I use 11 different sized curves.)
3. Move each curve vertically to a different Z-height
4. Rotate each curve to get the desired wavy/wiggly effect
5. Create a Loft surface using all the curves.
A critical step when creating the Loft is to add the curves in order - either top to bottom or bottom to top.
Step 4 can be omitted if you want a constant curvature throughout the final part. In this case all you have to do is Twist by the desired amount the Loft surface made from un-rotated curves. …
Added by Birk Binnard at 2:18pm on October 15, 2016