• WAAC Spring 2017

    9 members

    WAAC Grasshopper Class Spring 2017

  • LTH Form

    4 members

    Fredrik Skåtar's Modelling aid forum for LTH- architecture and design students. Please ask your questions in Swedish, English or German.


    53 members

    Mixed Media LAB Sint-Lucas Architectuur Gent & Brussel

  • WAAC Fall 2015

    18 members

    The Fall 2015 WAAC Virginia Tech's Parametric Design Class


    191 members

    Provides additional components to explore, animate and fabricate generative shapes with Grasshopper®   http://antonioturiello.blogspot.com/ RHINO OFFICIAL BLOG FOOD4RHINO PROJECT AEC-APPS.COM REVIEW

  • AARDVARK Portugal

    7 members

    AARDVARK stands for ADVANCED ARCHITECTURE GROUP, but with a cool-sounding zoological acronym.    --- Aiming to bring together portuguese researchers on ADVANCED ARCHITECTURE.

  • ARCH 124B

    26 members

  • Chromodoris

    26 members

    Chromodoris adds mesh utilities to grasshopper. It is available on food4rhino and the source code and example files are available on bitbucket. It is free for use under the GPL license. The goal of this library is to provide efficient and simple functionality to extend the creation, usage and displ…

  • USC Grasshopper

    5 members

    A public forum for students to ask questions and get feedback from their peers.

  • GENERATOR (2.0 Method)

    124 members

    GENERATOR 2 is a smart and evolved way  to explore and iterate  generative shapes with Grasshopper® http://antonioturiello.blogspot.com/ RHINO OFFICIAL BLOG FOOD4RHINO PROJECT AEC-APPS.COM REVIEW

  • Meerkat GIS

    70 members

    Meerkat is a set of tools to generate Grasshopper geometry from GIS shape files. GIS shape files can be batch 'geolocated and cropped' in a Google Maps browser.

  • Project Shark

    1 member

    Project Shark is a Real-Time Augmented Reality plugin toolkit for Grasshopper3D, aimed at making Augmented Reality experiences more accessible to designers and architects.   Learn more at project-shark.net Visit our Instagram Page Sign up for the Beta Testing Program - prjshrk.esy.es/beta

  • WAAC Fall 2016

    16 members

    The Introduction to parametric design course at WAAC VT - Fall 2016

  • Culebra

    141 members

    Culebra.NET is a 2D|3D Multi Object Behavior library written in C# (Wrapper around Culebra Java library) focused on hybrid system interactions with custom Visualization, Data, and performance features. It contains a collection of objects and behaviors for creating dynamic multi agent interactions. …

  • Unify

    30 members

    Rhino to Unity with a suite of tools. In development - Current stage, exporting from and listening on unity. Idea - Editor script on unity expecting assets written by rhino plugin, properties written to a settings file parsed by editor script and attributed to unity objects. https://github.com/lela…

  • WAAC Spring 2016

    22 members

    The Introduction to parametric design course at WAAC VT - Spring 2016

  • GeometryBin

    26 members

    GeometryBin makes it easy to share data collaboratively between your Grasshopper definitions.

  • Algorithmic Architecture – Generative Urban Typologies

    78 members

    Group for the Algorithmic Architecture seminars at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Please apply only if you are taking one of our courses in Weimar.

  • Plankton

    382 members

    Plankton is a free and open library implementing the half-edge data structure for polygon meshes. This way of storing the mesh connectivity information allows easier adjacency queries and supports mesh faces with any number of sides (Ngons), not just quads and triangles. The plankton library is int…

  • Generative Furniture Design

    106 members