Michael Pryor


New York, NY

United States

Comment Wall:

  • djordje

    Can I ask you for a favor? Can you scan for me some paragraph with those lists of steps on a paper. It does not matter for which Grasshopper definition, as long as it is some simple one.

    Just to see how you do it.



  • djordje

    Thank you for the tip.

    One more thing: What is that component you are talking about: the "vector length"?

  • djordje

    I still did not understand you.

    Thank you anyway, and sorry for the disturbance

  • Huzefa Ali

    hi Micheal,

    i need help editting the qvoronoi defination by demitrie. When ever i give my points rather than the random points, the qvoronoi turns red and the defination fails to work. Also that i need to give the bounding box to be my site. how is that possible? Its my thesis year and im running out of time. I am new to grasshopper and seek guidance. Thankyou.

  • Hilary

    Hello,I like your videos so much,but I can't see it,I don't know why,If possible,could you send it to my mail-box?,


    thank you.

  • Khizer Ishtiaq

    Hi Micheal,

    Love your meshes and renders..

    Do you start by creating some basic geometry in Rhino and then using grasshopper and weaverbird to convert it into mesh or the whole thing through grasshopper?


  • Khizer Ishtiaq

    Great... Double thumbs up!!! 

  • Khizer Ishtiaq

    Hey Micheal,

    Can you please look at this problem that i am having related to VB input.. I have posted it in a discussion


    Please have a look.. Thanks in advance


  • Khizer Ishtiaq

    No problem Michael... SystemIQ pointed out the flaw

  • 邓华

    cool!!!Could you tell me how can I get the paper about how to duel whit dis shape. on vb or csharp is ok. My eMail is ddhvdf@126.com .

  • nikitron

    flow around many. How you did that?

  • zey.1329

    Hi Michael. Would you you please help me with one of your tutorials on your website (http://formularch.blogspot.com/) I am trying to make your "GH Displacement Pillows" definitions in grasshopper but I encountered a problem. I exactly followed up your steps in grasshopper but I couldn't get the pattern... would you Please help me to solve it? 



    Thank you so much

  • zey.1329

    Thank you so much Michael :)

  • Luis Mendez

    Hi Michael, I'm working on an educational project and I found a script you made for Spatial Deform at your blog, but I was really trying to find a command you used, (the FFcloud) I can't find it, I hope you can help me.

  • Alex Alaimo

    Hey Mike, 

    Glad to be on GH.. I started a gh for Nolan thesis.. Here is my project.. its not crazy but the  void tube can move and effect the floor slabs.. pop518.gh

  • karim

    Hi Michael ,, I hope u figured out whats the problem with my code 

  • Urvi Sheth

    Hi Michael,

    Could you please check this definition?


    It does not work the same as yours from http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-gEXWso4vfT4/UBNyeeKk8tI/AAAAAAAAAUY/9kIE-... :(

    Many thanks in advance.

    Urvi Sheth

  • Urvi Sheth

    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for sharing the script.

    It works for me now. :)

  • Wei_388

    Hi Michael,

    I am trying to replicate the voronoi skeleton tutorial you did in Formul[a]rch, however the definition is old and it does not work. Currently, I am using GH 0.90014. Thanks in advance.


  • ssid22

    Hi Michael, 

    Great work love what you do i was wondering if you could possibly help me out with a script for my final project due in two weeks time. I wanted to create a pores like facade and i saw there were a few tutorials and tired one but seems to not work like on the site could you please take a look at it also if you could give any advice or share the script from the latest pores face you have done its would be amazing that it ideally what i am trying to achieve but have no idea where to start. This would be of great help i would appreciate any sort of help at the moment xx cone%20surface.gh


    Where are the following components ? pretty please . THANKS YOU

  • Jeff C

    Hello Mr.Pryor, and thanks for such excellent work, definitions and contributions. Your GH Surface Blends is empowering to a number of cyber-artistic fields. I hoped you could please show,..
    1) how to use your definition on 2 surfaces with Different point counts?

    Thanks for any help soon as you've moments,

  • foreignerxx

    Thank you sir

  • giusseppe

    Hi, I am trying to use your tween surfaces in Grasshopper but it won't accept closed pipe surfaces as input even though I can use the same surfaces to tween in rhino.I get the error "data conversion failed from brep to surface". Is there a way around this please.



  • giusseppe

  • spiro andritsis

    Where can one download the "net on surface" component?

  • Mohamed Elsayed

    Hello Michael I was trying to find the definition for miter edge offset of polysurfaces you had created a while ago. Can you share it with me please? You shared the photo Result in a discussion topic called “ Clean Offset polysurface. Thickness by Joaquim Filipe Reis Aug 21, 2016“ Many thanks to you