Urban Parametric Design Optimization Workshop

TOPIC: Urban Parametric Design Optimization 
The Workshop topic this year will focus on urban parametric design optimization that is divided to 3 main modules ended by an application project. 
module01: urban design parameters & digital analysis
module02: urban modeling mediate using web information
module03: GIS to BIM technology on urban scale 
Kindly find in the following link the School detailed program , fees, instructors and registration process.
The School offer also a discount for group participation comes from same institute supervised by free supervisor 
If you would like to participate with a group , just send us an email with the group name list and level of education. We will send you the group discount offer later on . 
if you would like to participate individually, just click on APPLY NOW button you will find in the winter school website 

Time: February 13, 2023 at 9am to February 21, 2023 at 6pm

Location: Rome _ The Academy of Art and New Technology

City/Town: Rome

Website or Map: https://arch-algorithm.com/Winter-School-2022/

Event Type: workshop, course, application