
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Space Syntax

Space Syntax is a theory of architecture and built environment that seeks to explain the effect of spatial configurations on behavioral patterns of people. SYNTACTIC tools bring Space Syntax theory into parametric design workflows. More information on syntactic design methodology:

My PhD dissertation (see chapters 3 & 4)

Designing with Space Syntax

Syntactic Design Methodology

For more information, videos, news and updates you can visit the following website. 

See a video demo-tutorial here

The plugin is available for download here:

This plugin is completely compatible with SpiderWeb for Grasshopper and we hereby thank Richard Schaffranek for all we have learned from this extremely useful plugin


UPDATE: Genesis Lab [webpage][website] is to modernize, open-source, and develop the toolkit starting in December 2021. Stay tuned for updates through my YouTube Channel and ResearchGate

Location: Delft
Members: 637
Latest Activity: May 29

Hi, All components are ready. We are just wrapping all our VB codes into a GHA.

Discussion Forum

Bake legends/export graphs 3 Replies

Hello everyone,I just discovered space syntax and I am having a great deal of fun playing with it however, I can't seem to bake the pie chart, or the legends or anything. Any ideas how I can export…Continue

Started by Stefania Dinea. Last reply by Sabrina Morris Nov 22, 2023.

"DiskoGraphDrawing" Icon 3 Replies

Hi There, I'm using the latest version of Syntax (downloaded today) on Rhino 6. Is it correct to assume that this isn't 100% compatible with Gh on R6 at this point?The issue I am having is the first…Continue

Started by Chris Dimarco. Last reply by Mary Bliss Nov 21, 2023.

space syntax area refrence 3 Replies

HiI used your space syntax for an architectural function relation diagram, but i have a problem because there is a rule that number of points and areas should be the same, so in a situation that i…Continue

Started by maryam ma. Last reply by GabrielaSullivan Oct 23, 2023.

Gradient issue with Syntactic 6 Replies

Hi guys,I don't know what is wrong with this simple definition on space syntax...Any ideas?Domain...lists...input curves?Thanks...…Continue

Started by Andrés Utz. Last reply by Nelson Oliver Sep 20, 2023.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Jose Carlos Rojas on February 28, 2018 at 10:52am
Comment by Pirouz Nourian on January 24, 2018 at 8:21am

@ Gabriel Bremer:

Additionally, I could also suggest using a genes generator from GH to change the areas of the bubbles so as to deal with the issue of big coins.

BTW, please note that if you don't get a beautiful graph drawing, it does not mean that you cannot use the Space Syntax analyses. the drawing of a graph and the graph itself are not the same thing. 

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on January 24, 2018 at 8:18am

Hi Gabriel, 

Thanks for your compliments! 

Regarding the bubble diagram:

The issue could be one of the followings or a combination of them:

1. The configuration graph might be non-planar, that is, a graph that cannot be possibly drawn on  a piece of paper without its edges crossing one another. Please check this Wikipedia article: 

2. It could be that you are trying to fit a big bubble in the middle of small bubbles, imagine trying to fit a 2 euros coin in the middle of 4 5 cents coins. This is a coin-graph (alias kissing disks algorithm)

The remedy that I can suggest right now is to lower both the attraction and the repulsion coefficients in the Force-Directed graph drawing component. that way you should be able to get a 'better' drawing. 

For the next version, we have made a series of new components that ensure arriving at a planar configuration graph. Stay tuned for updates. 

I hope this helps for the time being. 

Comment by Gabriel Bremer on January 16, 2018 at 9:58am

Hello! Congratulations on the beautiful work. I would like to ask some basic questions that came up in my first contact with Syntactic.

1-I started with a complex organization in my first test and could not generate the bubble diagram. It turns red with an error alert. I tried to break it up into smaller pieces and it worked again. Is there a limit on connections?The sequence that binds the points interfere with the result? Why do bubbles overlap? View files: scheme with many and scheme with many connections.3dm

Rhino file

Gh file

2-Some areas have priority of connection. How can I configure this?

3-When I move the dots and the curves the bubble diagram changes. Why does it happen?



Comment by Pirouz Nourian on January 1, 2018 at 5:49am

Hi Esteban, I believe the mistake is copying the exe file into the components folder instead of the extracted GHA file. Please redo the installation, specify a location for the containing folder, then find the green .gha file, make sure it is unblocked, copy it, and then paste it into your GH components folder. After that Restart your Rhino and GH. I hope this solves the problem. Happy 2018!

Comment by Esteban Agüero on December 31, 2017 at 7:32am

Hi Pirouz, I have the same problem mentioned by Francesco. I followed the installation procedure step by step with no success.

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on December 27, 2017 at 3:14am

Hi Francesco, the exe file is only to extract and make a folder containing a GHA file and example files on your computer. During the installation process, you can specify a location you know (e.g. you desktop) and then copy the GHA file from that location and paste it into your GH/Components Folder. Could you please verify that an unblocked GHA file is present in your Components folder?

Best wishes for 2018!

Comment by Francesco De Luca on December 26, 2017 at 2:18am

Hello Pirouz,

thank you for the reply.

When I run the downloaded SYNTACTIC_V_2.7.exe the files have been extracted in a folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\SYNTACTIC from there I copied the file SYNTACTIC.EXE in the GH libraries folder. After, yes the computer Rhino and Gh have been restarted. 

When I open the sample file  SYNTACTIC_NewVersion_sample_2.7.3dm Rhino tells me it can be open only in read only mode and when I open the I see an alert telling the plug-in SpaceSyntaxDesign_GH is missing and when the file is opened all the Space Syntax components are (obviously) missing.

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on December 23, 2017 at 7:37am

Hi Francesco, 

Thanks for your compliments. I suppose you have already restarted your computer, Rh & GH? Was the folder containing the GHA file zipped? then I would suggest to unzip it before copying. Could you please try loading the included example files?

I hope this helps but if the error persists please let me know. 

Comment by Francesco De Luca on December 21, 2017 at 3:55am

Hello Pirouz,

thank you for your work.

I placed the file SYNTACTIC.GHA in the Grasshopper Components Folder but there is no SpaceSyntax tab when I open Grasshopper. The gha file is unblocked and Rhino was not running when I placed the file. 

Any known issue? Thank you.



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