
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Space Syntax

Space Syntax is a theory of architecture and built environment that seeks to explain the effect of spatial configurations on behavioral patterns of people. SYNTACTIC tools bring Space Syntax theory into parametric design workflows. More information on syntactic design methodology:

My PhD dissertation (see chapters 3 & 4)

Designing with Space Syntax

Syntactic Design Methodology

For more information, videos, news and updates you can visit the following website. 

See a video demo-tutorial here

The plugin is available for download here:

This plugin is completely compatible with SpiderWeb for Grasshopper and we hereby thank Richard Schaffranek for all we have learned from this extremely useful plugin


UPDATE: Genesis Lab [webpage][website] is to modernize, open-source, and develop the toolkit starting in December 2021. Stay tuned for updates through my YouTube Channel and ResearchGate

Location: Delft
Members: 637
Latest Activity: on Wednesday

Hi, All components are ready. We are just wrapping all our VB codes into a GHA.

Discussion Forum

Bake legends/export graphs 3 Replies

Hello everyone,I just discovered space syntax and I am having a great deal of fun playing with it however, I can't seem to bake the pie chart, or the legends or anything. Any ideas how I can export…Continue

Started by Stefania Dinea. Last reply by Sabrina Morris Nov 22, 2023.

"DiskoGraphDrawing" Icon 3 Replies

Hi There, I'm using the latest version of Syntax (downloaded today) on Rhino 6. Is it correct to assume that this isn't 100% compatible with Gh on R6 at this point?The issue I am having is the first…Continue

Started by Chris Dimarco. Last reply by Mary Bliss Nov 21, 2023.

space syntax area refrence 3 Replies

HiI used your space syntax for an architectural function relation diagram, but i have a problem because there is a rule that number of points and areas should be the same, so in a situation that i…Continue

Started by maryam ma. Last reply by GabrielaSullivan Oct 23, 2023.

Gradient issue with Syntactic 6 Replies

Hi guys,I don't know what is wrong with this simple definition on space syntax...Any ideas?Domain...lists...input curves?Thanks...…Continue

Started by Andrés Utz. Last reply by Nelson Oliver Sep 20, 2023.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Francisco Diaz on April 14, 2016 at 9:45am

Great app Pirouz!, I seem to be having the same problem as a recent post from a couple days ago. Specifically, i dont have a clue on how to add links to the NEWS. 

Do you reference them by adding additional points?


Comment by Pirouz Nourian on April 13, 2016 at 6:48am

Hi Chandan, Thanks for your compliments. Could you please describe what you want to get from what component exactly? I might be able to add a code snippet to help you achieve that for the time being. 

Comment by Chandan Chaturvedi on April 13, 2016 at 6:27am
Great tool to analyze and take inferences. However, I have a lot of trouble getting it to create exportable results while using its generative design capabilities. To be very specific, I see no labels and colour when I use the dual graph command and further ahead from there. Any ideas if I am doing something wrong?
Keep uo the work. Very inspiring.

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on April 8, 2016 at 4:47am

Most welcome! Comments and complaints are also welcome :)!

Comment by Lea Dietiker on April 8, 2016 at 4:42am

Hey Pirouz!

Thank u so much for your quick answer! Now it is working! Was not thinking about this solution.... Thanks  a LOT!

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on April 8, 2016 at 2:30am

Hi Lea, Happy to hear you find them useful. Regarding the error, as I understand it is complaining that it cannot find the method Line.EpsilonEquals(). Based on what I've seen so far, this problem is usually solved by  updating Rhino. Could you please go to your Rhino options and check if it is up to date? 

Comment by Lea Dietiker on April 7, 2016 at 11:40am

Hello Everyone! 

Thanks Pirouz for this amazing tool!  I would love to use it - BUT the Node-Link Graph is constantly telling an error.

>> Boolean Rhino.geometry.Line.EpsilonEquals (Rhino.Geometry.Line, Double) 

Anyone knows what is the problem? :) THANK u!! 

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on April 6, 2016 at 10:20am

Hi Arindra, thanks for your compliments! From what I see in the image I can guess that the problem is that you have not mentioned links towards the 4 sides (NEWS: North, East, West, and South). You need to provide additional links towards the sides to use the triangulation methods. 

I hope this helps. 

Comment by Arindra Januari on April 6, 2016 at 8:36am

Hi Pirouz, thanks for the awesome plugin! I'm new to this Space Syntax thing and now Im having problem when trying to make the triangulation. First I thought it was because I used too many nodes that caused the configuration to be not planar the but then I tested it with simpler one and the problem is still the same. I think I already follow the example and also read your pdf but couldn't really find the solution. The value on the base plan is also xy instead of coordinate, maybe it is the issue but I dont know how to fix it. Following is the screenshot:

Thanks in advance! :)

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on March 29, 2016 at 7:43am

Hi Tim, I'd say it is probably because the points and lines do not 'exactly' touch each other where you expect them to. Could you please try redrawing them accurately, preferably using the snapping options of Rhino? if the problem persisted, then my next guess would be something pertained to the error tolerance that I have hard coded in the components, that is the document tolerance set once when you initiate a file. An idea to solve this issue would be through raising the tolerance for error through Rhino command line or Rhino options. 


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